Jisoo Realizes Something Arc [5]

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Jen: I'm going to school ahead of you. I just left your lunch at your porch.

5:45 AM

You should've woken me up omfg
Thanks for the lunch
But I might not be able to eat it since I'll be with a date who will very much spend for me😋

Jen: Yeah let's see if anyone would even want to bid for you in the auction
Jen: Last time I heard, you haven't made out with anyone else these past weeks.
Jen: Seems like the girls are avoiding you like the plague now 🤭

We literally JUST made out yesterday in your room when your parents were home

Jen: I'm just being nice to you since nobody else want to make out with you these days 🙄

Whatever you say
Don't be mad if someone bids $1000 on me and you can't afford to bid higher with the $5 you have left on your wallet after splurging the other day

Jen: I could literally make out with you for FREE why would I need to bid against anyone

You are so damn full of yourself bitch

Jisoo had found herself giggling in the early morning from her text exchanges with Jennie.

It was the day of the school festival and it was a day bustling with activities. After receiving the warm to the touch lunch box from Jennie who went out of her way to leave it in front of Jisoo's porch, she went ahead to school with a giddy smile on her face (She finally realized she's been smiling a bit too much lately)

After having her car parked, she heads for the entrance- but not without stopping by to admire the festival arc that Jennie had worked her ass off to design and be made true to life for the past week. She stood there, seemingly spacing out, and unbeknownst to her, someone had spotted her with curious eyes

"Jisoo?" The mentioned girl turns around to the voice, whom had the look that seemed weirded out "You okay buddy? You're spacing out" Wendy says with a bit of a giggle

"I'm fine Wen. I'm just looking at the arc" she answers with a shrug

Wendy only looked at her as acknowledgement (or judgement)

"You know.." Wendy starts, almost menacingly "I know something happened last week" Jisoo turns to her with an eyebrow raised, as if to make it herself clueless "And its still in fact happening now"

"What? You're being too sensitive" Jisoo says in defense, and she knows herself that it wasn't quite convincing

"How'd you know it's about you?" Wendy says pointedly, and before Jisoo could retaliate, Wendy continues "That lunch box-" She starts

This time, Jisoo made sure to interrupt her "God that again?" She rolls her eyes "I decided I'm bringing lunch with me from now on. It's not a bi-"

"From now on?" Wendy asks shockingly before laughing like a movie villain that had discovered something crucial to the plot. Before Jisoo could complain again, Wendy cuts her off

"I know it's Jennie's."

Jisoo's now the one standing in shock, eyes wide open, about to ask the Hows and Whos and Whats on Wendy's keen eyes. "And she probably made them too"

Jisoo remains shocked. She thought everything was moving too fast. Revealed too fast. She'd been making sure nobody would even dare think she and Jennie would be a thing as her consideration for Jennie and yet...

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