Jisoo notices a lot of things (about Jennie) Arc [1]

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Jisoo always wondered why Jennie looked so damn...

sexually frustrated.

And it doesn't help that she's the only one who notices.

It's not that Jisoo stares at her all the time (something Jisoo would always deny). It just so happens that she noticed. And she's a professional at noticing things like that. (She's oblivious for other domestic things though)

Jisoo inferred: with Midterms coming up, and the School Festival a week after that, which Student Council President wouldn't be stressed? Definitely not someone who's a literal baby. And Jennie Kim's a whole damn baby!

Jisoo sometimes pity her enough to the point where she wished she was allowed to run as President for her senior year. She was confident she'll get a landslide win against Jennie who was only a sophomore. Maybe then, she wouldn't have to see her struggling. (She mentioned this to her friends, them pointing out how she acts like she likes Jennie, but she refuses to believe that. "I just pity her", she said)

But it wasn't the case, unfortunately. Jisoo did too many troubles that it tainted her moral record, not giving her the chance to run as president. She doesn't care though. They were all deeds ("Trouble, deeds, they're the same thing" Jisoo thinks) for the student body, far better than what a president can do

It was lunch, and the whole school gather at the cafeteria to eat some lame noodle and rice combination in the menu. Jisoo was there too, of course, with a couple of friends from her batch and some from lower years.

Jisoo took a glance at Jennie's table, sitting together with student council members, three of whom she's familiar with.

Jisoo noticed it again. The way that Jennie sat, talked, laughed. The way she rubs her palms on her thighs as if trying to sooth herself. Jennie was uncomfortable. She was...

sexually frustrated.

Jisoo watched her bring out her blue lunch box and set it on the table before she drifted her gaze out on the distant wall ("It's literally five meters away"). It's a Tuesday.

"A bunch of greens today" Everyone on their table looked at Jisoo, confused

"What?" Sowon asked. ("Jisoo's impulsive, but that shit's random as fuck")

"She always eats green stuff on Blue Boxed Tuesdays" she answered, still staring off mindlessly

"You mean vegetables?" Rosie asked incredulously, "Who are you even talking about?" Jisoo doesn't reply. Instead, she averts her attention towards her food and starts eating. Her friends are persistent, however

"Ahh... She's talking about Jennie Kim" Everyone looked in the direction of Jennie's table and to their surprise, Jisoo's right. She was eating lettuce, spinach and other... green things.

"Wow Jisoo... I didn't know you're such a stalker" Jisoo gave Sowon a pointed look

"Or, she's just denying the fact that she's deeply and madly in love with Je- Mmmph!" Jisoo shoved a carrot on Nayeon's mouth, who looked pissed but ate it nonetheless

"Stop psychoanalyzing me and do your job as a bunny mascot" The joke didn't send anyone in a laughing fit, though it was kinda funny. Nayeon once took a part time job as a bunny mascot for children, but when the kids took off her mask out of fun, they started cheering more because "She looks much more like a bunny now!".

Everyone was curious about Jisoo's feelings more than anything else. She's their friend and it's kinda their right to know Jisoo's feelings "Look, I am not, for the hundredth time, in love with Jennie" Jisoo reassures no one

Wendy sighed with a smirk and shook her head. "Whatever you say, captain obvious" she muses. Jisoo wanted to wipe that smirk off her.

Jisoo hopes to erase in everyone's head the idea of her being in love with Jennie.

She decided to do it later.

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