Jisoo Realizes Something Arc [4]

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Jennie invited Jisoo over for the weekend. It was the weekend before the festival, and it was common for the student council to not be allowed to work on the weekend before it so they can take a rest. Which was also why Jennie barely had the time to meet Jisoo the day before, when they'd met up at Jisoo's hideout by the roof and Jennie gave her a lingering peck on th-

Jisoo brushes off the thought, getting herself ready in a casual-homey outfit. (She's literally just going right next door)

As she arrives to their house, she was greeted by Jennie's mother who was dressed and about to leave 

"Perfect Jisoo! I was just about to leave." Chaerin greets as if she didn't need to question why she was there again. She was expecting her. "Take care of Jennie for me okay? Me and your uncle will be back by the evening" Jisoo waves them a good bye and a take care, waiting for them to start the engine and drive off, before going up to Jennie's room and giving it three slow knocks

Jisoo waited, hearing the light foot steps of the younger who had been waiting for her. The older wasn't expecting much, but it certainly wasn't getting mauled. As soon as Jennie opens the door, she pulls Jisoo in with her and kissed her heartily, hands on Jisoo's hair

They stumble, but they still successfully ended up on Jennie's bed

"I hate that we didn't get to do it yesterday. I was so stressed out!" Jennie starts with a pout as soon as they pulled away for air. To Jisoo, it was pulling the right strings in her heart 

Jisoo heaves, staring at the younger and taking in her freshly showered scent. Oh that damn freshly showered scent is not helping her at all. All it did was remind Jisoo of the first night they did it and the corny speech Jisoo had to make to convince her to make art.

They did it the whole morning, as if to emphasize how much they'd been yearning for each other. They were panting heavily, only stopping when they had to briefly eat breakfast, albeit messily since Jisoo can't seem to keep it in herself. And every single time, Jennie learned and returned all of Jisoo's hard work in equal (if not more) payment.

They lay in bed cuddling, (Jisoo realizes she'd never cuddle with anyone before) until Jennie remembered to shop for clothes. She pulled her phone out and Jisoo watched her frantically typing and mumbling about some dress she'd been wanting to buy. She went to Chanel's website, eyeing a certain limited edition dress, but Jennie said she'd just spent her month's allowance on a bag, so she was dreading about the timing (Jisoo takes note of the name of the dress)

Jennie says she'll be going out shopping anyway since she needed a casual dress for the last day of the festival where she'll be giving a speech over a bonfire. She asked Jisoo if she wanted to accompany her, to which the elder agreed.

As they went out, Jisoo made sure to be covered up to the face, earning an confused eyebrow raise from Jennie

"Don't want anyone catching me outside" The older says. And it's true, because based from experience, it was easy for her to bump into someone she knows and possibly get dragged into whatever party again and its just... not appropriate and would definitely be rude to Jennie. Besides, Jisoo thinks the younger wouldn't like to be seen with her shopping outside like close friends.... right?

Jennie mouths an o, almost looking disappointed, making Jisoo curious- but as the younger seem to only have minded it for a split second, she didn't press on. (She realizes she's psychoanalyzing Jennie too much)

They got in one of a general clothes store, selling a variety of clothes for pregnant women, children, teens and adults alike. Jennie went ahead of her, excitedly looking at the clothes in display and clothes that catch her eye. 

Jisoo wouldn't miss a beat to fool around the second she gets the chance, pulling out a maternity dress and showing Jennie how she'd look like with a big belly.

"Jennie, take responsibility of our child!!" Jisoo says, almost convincingly what with her acting skills. 

"You're too good unnie. I almost thought I really got you pregnant" Jennie deadpans, but she giggled afterwards when Jisoo started crying out about her aching back- a usual dilemma for pregnant women

"You're not only Not taking responsibility for our child, you also have the gall to laugh at my misery?!" 

It wasn't long before they started going back to their main goal: to get Jennie a dress appropriate for their school festival. Well, in all honesty, they wouldn't have stopped fooling around had an actual pregnant woman came around looking for clothes a loud kid in tow and Jisoo isn't insensitive enough to make a fool of herself in front of a stranger (Ah... not really)

The older follows the younger like a duck, observing the clothes that Jennie are interested in. Jisoo saw her pick one peculiar clothing up though, but she brushed off the thought that came with it and allowed herself to be a decent person for once. (Jisoo realizes she's been doing nothing but imagining Jennie in that peculiar dress up instead of focusing at the task at hand)

"That! That one looks amazing, Jen!" Jisoo comments, something different from the usual It's okays, You can work with its, That looks fines that she could muster from all the previous dresses Jennie came out with- and it honestly felt like they finally hit the jackpot because Jisoo is pretty hard to please. Don't get her wrong, Jennie looked hot in all of them, but Jisoo had to make sure the dresses don't go beyond the borders of too hot and too reserved, which is a pretty thin line with barely any room for grace.

"God you finally said something good today" Jennie says as she dramatically slumps through the door of the fitting room "Though that's perfect because I honestly saved this for last since I knew it'd look great"

"Oh that's the last one? We should ring it up then-" As Jisoo was about to look for the sales assistant, Jennie stops her quietly, making Jisoo confused

"There's... still one more" Jennie says, with a hint of blush on her cheeks. Jisoo tilts her head as she watched Jennie closed the door to the fitting room one more time to get underwear naked and- hold on, she hasn't worn that dress...

When Jennie opened the door, she knew it was going to be that one. As soon as Jisoo saw it, she raises an eyebrow. She knew it wasn't something Jennie would wear to school, but she wore it anyway, and she knew it was only for Jisoo to see. 

"Is this better than the last one?" Jennie says in the most seductive voice Jisoo has ever heard, and that's a LOT coming from her

"You really know how to get me going" She smirks

Jisoo looks to her side, biting her lower lip while checking if the sole store employee is preoccupied enough to fold the clothes that the kid who had been running around knocked off.

She enters the fitting room, mumbling a "Don't wear this to school" before kissing Jennie heartily

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