Jisoo notices a lot of things (about Jennie) Arc [2]

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Jisoo lightly stumbles while blindly guiding Wendy to the cushions they have in the gym stockroom. They were in a rush, all lust and no hint of passion for every kiss. They were literally devouring each other, and they think it was better than spending an hour learning basketball, a sport they both know at heart

Jisoo tugs on Wendy's short. She wondered why they bothered going out in PE when they could've gone straight to it at the locker room, but that's not the point right now. Jisoo reached out inside Wendy's shirt, gliding her hands across her abs before landing on one of her mounds. They were so engrossed in making out that they didn't hear the door opening.

"YOU TWO!" They stopped

Both looked at the source, Jisoo looking straight into her eye. Her voice was familiar enough for Jisoo to know who it is. Afterall, it wasn't the first time she was called out by that mandu cheeked president. Regardless, they pulled apart with a dissatisfied groan. ("What a cockblock")

"C'mon Jennie, can't we have a little fun?" Jisoo said as she watched Wendy fix herself from her disheveled look

"Both of you are literally my seniors. And you have PE classes right now! Not make-out classes" Jisoo and Wendy snorted. They know it wasn't meant to be a joke, especially with Jennie's stern voice, but it made it funnier that way

Wendy stood up from the cushion, "I'm leaving first" Wendy looked at Jisoo, "I don't want anyone getting suspicious of us again when it's nothing really serious", she said before she left Jisoo and Jennie alone inside the stockroom

It's only been seconds but it felt like minutes to Jisoo. Neither one of them was talking and they were only sending daggers to each other.

Jennie was first to speak, "You know I could report you, right?" Jisoo grinned. It was rhetorical, but Jisoo always knows how to answer her

"And you never did, baby girl" Jisoo noticed the way Jennie's perfectly curated brows flinch at the endearment. She always had the upper hand when they're alone "Every. Single. Damn. Time"

Jisoo pushed herself up and slightly brushed Jennie's arms on her way out. She felt the girl tense up, and she didn't have to force it out of her to know that Jennie's horny as hell after seeing two hot girls making out in the stockroom ("And that she's sexually frustrated. Probably a virgin too" as Jisoo always points out)

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