Jennie Knows SOME Things Arc [2]

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Middle School.

Oh, Good Lord middle school- when teens are at the height of doing the things they'd rather forget the most in 10 years. And then maybe something they can look back and laugh at in 20.

Summer of the year before Jisoo entered middle school, they had spent the whole time together. It never occurred to either of them that they'll have some sort of rift. No, never, cuz if there's one thing you can trust Jisoo with, she'll definitely keep her promises (-with Jennie, cuz she knew she'd forget it if it were someone else), and she'd promised she'll always come by Jennie's house to hang out.

And they didn't actually drift apart. As if Jisoo couldn't get any more charming than she already is, she joined the soccer team- yet the older still always found the time to hangout with Jennie at least once a day even though Jennie was yet to be in middle school. Living right next door might've been a huge factor with Jisoo's consistency, but little Jennie was convinced Jisoo would still keep her promise even if she lived the next town over.

My God, this kid. Treating Jisoo's words like the world.

Eventually, Jennie moved up a grade and they're finally both going to the same school again. Sometimes, they'd walk to school together. Other times not, but it never upset Jennie just because the older has soccer practice early in the morning in some days. Jennie would be the last person to want to stop Jisoo from being the cool person that she is. She's probably never seen her angry like, at all. She was very calm and collected- one of the things Jennie pointed out once when they were randomly listing things that they liked about each other.

That's what everyone around her at school says too. Well, around her- because she hasn't exactly made any friends yet at that time. Sure, she talks to Irene and Lisa here and there- but they weren't really close. And Jennie didn't think they'd want to be associated by the school bully's favorite target.

Jennie doesn't understand why she's being picked on by the school principal's daughter, and it was even more embarrassing when Jisoo had personally seen her get picked on many times, but it never truly bothered her. It bothered her more that Jisoo's seeing this humiliating side of her, but Jisoo assures her time and time again that it wasn't Jennie's fault. 

Some doubt on their friendship started to settle at some point though. It was probably when Jisoo was being really avoidant with Jennie, trying her best to hide from her. Some days she's completely fine, and some days she's just very obviously ignoring her. God, she even broke her promise to spend time together at least once a day! This has never happened in their long history of friendship, and they've never had a fight either. Jennie doesn't even know how to do a confrontational talk, so she just chalked it down to the last thing the coolest and most charming person of the school would want is to be associated with someone like Jennie.

Their small rift never stopped Jennie from doing her usual best friend role though. If there's one thing about Jisoo, she's very forgetful. Jennie would always make sure she got her water bottle to practice. She'd bring an extra towel in case Jisoo forgets hers. SHE'D CLEAN JISOO'S ROOM! SHE'D CHARGE HER NINTENDO! SHE'D BUY STICKY NOTES BEFORE IT RUNS OUT! My God, Jennie even has her schedule memorized to a T! So she'd always make sure Jisoo's bringing the correct textbooks the next day whenever she stops by their house.

It kinda got exhausting trying to (not) beg for some spare attention from your supposed best friend while juggling school works as well as just trying to live and survive middle school by fighting internal and external battles with your bullies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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