Jisoo notices a lot of things (about Jennie) Arc [10]

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Jisoo spent her time going up Jennie's room and down to the living room for the rest of the day. If not for Jennie still feeling weak, she would've scolded the older for constantly checking up on her every 15 minutes. Jisoo thanked Jennie's parents for having a house where doors don't make creaking noises as if it's announcing the Harvest Day on horror movies. Otherwise, Jennie might catch her red handed and throw her completely out of the house (As if the younger's strong enough to do that)

When 6 pm came, the doorbell rang, something Jisoo expected. She called on Lisa, asking her to deliver the papers that Jennie's supposed to sign for approval.

It was pretty... thick. Like a centimeter thick. But she knows Jennie has deadlines and the girl will probably be stubborn enough to finish reading it tonight. Just as Jisoo was contemplating to hide it, le wild newly awoken, disheveled haired Jennie appears behind her, undoubtedly catching the ton of papers on Jisoo's hand

"Are those council papers?" she asked as she got near Jisoo. The older girl was too late, but she still doesn't plan on giving it to the girl, so as Jennie was about to snatch it from her, she retracted it and secured it in her arm "Yah! Kim Jisoo!"

"Hmp-Hmp-Hmp! Nu-uh, Jennie. You're not reading this today" Jisoo said in disapproval

"Jisoo... I have to sign those, or the festival will go to shit" Jennie said in gritted teeth. Although Jisoo highly disapproves of Jennie working as she just recovered, she could somewhat feel the rage coming from the younger. It sent shivers down her spine. Unfortunately, her spine is sturdier than her rage

"I know. That's why I'm the one who's gonna read it" The answer put confusion on Jennie's face "How about we make a deal. If you read and sign these today, you're not allowed to go to school tomorrow. If you let me read this, put sticky notes and decide if it's okay for you to sign, then I'll let you go to school. If you break our deal, I'll tell Aunt Chaerin you got soooooo sick because of StuCo and I'll suggest her to have you resign there" Jisoo answered with a smirk. It caused Jennie to close her eyes and tighten her jaw (Jisoo knows it was her way of internally fuming, choosing not to burst out), until she saw her take a deep breath. She knows she has to agree with this compromise

"So, which deal do you pick?" Jennie looked at her, irritated, before muttering words that were loud enough for Jisoo to hear

"Fine. You read it and put sticky notes. I'll sign it tomorrow" The answer caused Jisoo to silently pump her fist in the air as a form of celebration for her victory. It was dinner time though, and Jisoo would have to prepare dinner for them "I'll start after we eat dinner. I already ordered food so just go to the kitchen and I'll prepare your food and medicine, Princess"

Jisoo was done preparing the table with the food and Jennie's medicine. Jisoo had just checked the younger's temperature and it was back to normal now. Though, Jisoo highly recommends the girl to stay rested. Jennie believes her of course, because if anyone's good with health concerns between the two, it's Jisoo. Well, maybe a few threats caused Jennie to forcefully comply. ("They're harmless threats!!" Jisoo thought)

After eating, Jennie volunteered to clean the dishes. She expected the older to refuse, but Jisoo's contemplating look had her hoping she'll finally get to do something. It's just cleaning dishes after all, and Jennie's starting to have her energy back. In the end, the older agreed, much to Jennie's delight. As the younger cleaned the dishes, Jisoo started reading the pile of papers Jennie had to sign (Jisoo's heart warms with the idea that Jennie trusts her with making notes on important papers to sign.)

Needless to say, they ended up falling to their own space. With clanking of dishes and utensils mindlessly echoing as an eyewear wearer Jisoo scribbled down notes on the sticky pad that she mysteriously brings with her all the time. Once the sound of the running faucet went out, Jisoo looked up to Jennie.

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