Jisoo notices a lot of things (about Jennie) Arc [7]

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Jisoo rang the doorbell once, waiting for a few seconds to be greeted by an unenthusiastic looking Jennie. "Come in" She said, almost sounding lazy

"Wow. Maybe I should've brought a schoolmate, so you'll act like an angel while I'm here" Jennie only rolled her eyes. Jennie looked annoyed (and sexually frustrated as heck) but she led Jisoo to her room nonetheless

They didn't speak much. It was just Jennie reminding Jisoo of a few things around the house and Jisoo nodding in understanding. It wasn't even something they would call a 'conversation'. It was all dialogue (Jisoo wishes the girl would speak more)

"If you have any problems, just call me. I'm right next door" Jennie said as a final reminder. Jisoo had something else in mind

"But I don't have your phone number" Jisoo said with a grin. Jennie turned around to face her, eyebrow raised higher than a skyscraper, her head tilting on an attempt for intimidation

"Three" she said, "you can only knock my door three times, or I'm going to break your room's smoke detector and force you to sleep on the coach" she finished. She already had her back on a smirking Jisoo when she heard the older speaking

"Mine's Zero" a chuckle escaping with the words, "My door's always open". Jisoo tried to sound as serious as she could. She left it up to Jennie how she'll take it (We all know what Jisoo's hoping for)

Morning came, and it was a relaxing Sunny Sunday. Jisoo anticipated the smell of breakfast hitting her nose, but it never came. Slowly adjusting herself to sit, Jisoo realizes she was in Jennie's house (She almost thought she ended up doing it again with a stranger)

The complaining from her stomach made her sit up and finally head down to find scrap to eat. Jisoo expected to see a grumpy cat but it seems like the early morning breeze didn't have the faintest smell of anyone else waking up before her. Jisoo looked around the cupboards, looking for food worthy of being her breakfast. She found an unopened box of waffle mix, perfect for the honey syrup and whipped cream she found in the refrigerator.

Contrary to popular belief, Jisoo can whip up some waffles by herself. Well, as long as it comes in a box or you're Wendy who just orders people around on what they can do in the kitchen (Jisoo always got the mixing job, eventually becoming the only good thing she can do in the kitchen)

The timer dings. Jisoo sets the waffles on two plates, one honey syrup dispenser at the middle. Jisoo sat on her chair, one plate in front of her. She taps her fingers over her lap unknowingly, as if she's anxious for something (She was counting how long it'll take for Jennie to come down. She refuses to admit she made her a waffle so they can eat together)

Jisoo already lost count and decided to go to the younger's room herself. She took note of her number, three, and made that number of knocks on her door before calling her name

"Jennie", she calls out, "Wake up". Jisoo hears a grumble from the other side of the door, followed by a few barks from Kuma. Jisoo imagines him jumping on Jennie to wake her up

She waits for a few seconds, contemplating what she should say before the door swings open, "What?", Jennie grunts. Getting a slight peek on Jennie's room, Jisoo notices a familiar painting hanging on the wall (Jisoo's heart lightly swells from the memory. Didn't wanna admit that as usual lol)

She also noticed the flustered look from Jennie. She looked disheveled, like a masturbated-last-night disheveled. She must've taken care of something on her own. Jisoo decided not to point it out, sticking to her agenda.

"I'm hungry", Jisoo pouts, making Jennie roll her eyes but going down the stairs, nonetheless.

A newly woken Jennie seemed to not have noticed the waffles already set on the table, walking past it and reaching out for the pans. Jisoo continued to just watch the girl while already sitting with a smug smile. She watched her crack one egg, and then two, whisking it on a bowl before cooking it in the pan. Jisoo finally breaks the silence

"You like your waffles with scrambled eggs?" That absolutely caught Jennie off guard. The younger finally turned around with a confused face, spotting two plates of hot waffles, butter melting on top of each. "Thought you were the syrup type"

Jisoo swore she saw Jennie almost drop the pan but saved herself from doing so. Jisoo put on a sly smirk, mischievousness evident all over her face

Jisoo waited for Jennie, watching her finish cooking and setting the scrambled eggs on the table. Jennie sits across Jisoo, waffle plates in front of them with the eggs in the middle. Jisoo doesn't know what Jennie's waiting for, so she decided to just go for it herself "Let's eat"

Jisoo reaches out to grab some eggs, her eyes focused solely on getting exactly half of it (Somewhere along the way, she saw Jennie picking up a fork to eat the waffles she made. Jisoo's heart warmed a little. Again, she refuses to admit that)

"I'm surprised you didn't burn down the kitchen" Jennie said in the middle of her meal

"I think I'm more surprised of the fact that I woke up earlier than you on a weekend" Jisoo pointed out, eyeing the girl who was silently munching on her food (Jisoo internally wishes the banters continue. Another thing she won't admit out loud)

The breakfast ended with Jennie cleaning the plates. Jisoo asked the younger if she had any places to go for the day, offering her a ride. After all, she was strictly warned to accompany Jennie wherever she goes (Jisoo knew she didn't have to be too uptight like a personal bodyguard, but she's taking advantage of the opportunity). Jennie took up the offer, saying she had to go to school to clear up some matters regarding the upcoming School Festival. Jisoo agreed. She could take a peek at the basketball club's booth and see how the underclassmen did (Jisoo wonders at the back of her mind, "How important is this matter to have it settled on a fucking Sunday?")

They arrive at school, a few parking spaces occupied by weekend staffers and some other students who are behind schedule for the School Festival. Jennie walks with Jisoo trailing behind. Jisoo must've caught on the way Jennie's glancing at her suspiciously.

"I'm your guardian. I'm only doing my job", Jisoo spouts rather defensively. Jennie glances back at her with a suspicious look, continuing her journey, nonetheless. Jisoo thanks the heavens that the girl didn't press on (She didn't know how else she'll explain her worry towards the girl)

They arrived in front of the council room, Jennie entering and closing the door, leaving the older outside. She didn't seem like she wants to hear any of what they have to say anyway. But Jisoo peeked through the window. She was more than interested to know who Jennie is having a meeting with on a Sunday (She'd say it's because she was told to keep track of Jennie)

She notices Yerin, Lisa, and Irene, the usual student council clique. And then there's this guy whom Jisoo can't seem to remember the name. ("What was it again? Lai? Kai? Tai? Whatever.") Jisoo questions herself what the hell he's doing there, shrugging it off in the end

"It's not like he's a big deal...


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