Chapter Three

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What was happening? Why was this happening? Charm couldn't understand. She waited until the last of the debris settled before hesitantly peeking her head over. There, in the middle of what used to be the front door, stood a guy dressed in all black. All that was visible was his dark hair, blowing in the wind, and his golden eyes, cold and calculating.

His eyes settled on her.

Charm tensed, standing up and backing away.

"S-stay away." She stammered. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew he was the Shadow man.
The man her parents were after.

"i wouldn't run if I were you, love. It wouldn't end well for you" he purred softly, striding towards her. This was just like her nightmare. Only it was very, very real.

Charm turned, and tried to run, but she slipped on a broken piece of wood, of all things. Before she could hit the ground, the Shadow man reached out and gripped her arm.

"No! Don't touch me!" She yelled, slapping her hand against his chest and yanking her other arm.

The man chuckled. "Such a fierce little kitten. They raised you well, but not well enough, apparently." The last thing Charm saw before everything went black was his amused golden eyes, sparkling down at her.


When Charm woke up, the first thing she noticed was that her entire body hurt. Groaning a little, she managed to sit up and look around. where the fuck was she? She was in a plain white room, with absolutely nothing in it. Just the bed she was sitting in and a single door. There wasn't even a window, which she found odd.

A door! She had to escape this place. She had to go back home. So, even tho her body was in extreme pain, she managed to get to her feet and limp towards the door.

As soon as Charm's hand touched the metal knob, it opened from the other side. She had to either step back or get hit by the door.

Charm stepped back even more as she saw the Shadow man. His mask was still on. His golden eyes met hers. "Ah, the little kitten is awake. Sleep well?" He asked, laughing a little.

Her eyes flashed defiantly. "DON'T call me that. I want you to take me back. Bring me back home!" She snarled angrily.

He leaned against the door frame, folding his arms. "Sorry, princess. You aren't in the right type of situation to be able to demand anything of me. Its up to me to decide what I'm going to do with you."

A sliver of fear made Charm shudder. Because he was right, he could do anything. He could kill her. He could use her as leverage. And she was helpless to stop him. Her eyes flickered to the door, which was still open. Unless she somehow got past him...

"Don't even think about trying to escape. You wouldn't be able to." He warned her, his eyes flashing.

Charm rolled her eyes, and, deciding that the best response to his remarks was no response, stalked back to the bed and curled up on it, facing away from him.

Because she was facing away, she didn't see him hesitate. She didn't see him step forward, or see his eyes crinkle in confliction. She didn't see him run his hand through his hair.

But she did hear his murmured, "I'll be back later" and the click of the door as it shut..and locked.

Cursing silently, Charm stayed where she was, squeezing her eyes shut. What was she supposed to do now? Did her parents know she was missing? Were they going to come for her?

She couldn't exactly do anything at the moment, so trying to stay alive until her parents came to save her seemed like the best option.

Finally, she gave into her fear and started crying, silent tears gliding down her cheeks, turning into full fledged sobs.

"'m scared....what do I do?" She sobbed.

**Shadow man's POV**

the male leaned against the door, sighing heavily. The kitten had claws, he had to admit. But he also saw fragility, which was fair enough.

He wouldn't have taken her if he had another choice, but he didn't. Those two meddling heroes were onto him, he had to use the girl—their daughter—for leverage. Damnn the fools.

Whatever. He would use the girl in any way necessary and discard her afterwards. Either dead or alive, he didn't really care which, as long as he managed to slip  those heroes.

Leaning his head against the door, he could hear her crying. Jerking away roughly, he forced himself not to feel sorry for the girl. She was his prisoner. Jailors don't feel compassion for their prisoners. Scowling, he stalked away.

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