Chapter Five

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One chapter turned to three, three to five. It was so nice to finally have some sort of entertainment that she couldn't stop reading. It was a book of fairytales.she read about show white, little red riding hood, Rapunzel, sleeping beauty, and others.

Charm read until she fell asleep. While sleeping, she thought she heard the door open, but she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes. she just snuggled deeper in the bed, letting her thoughts drift away.


In the morning, she stretched and yawned. She actually had a pretty good sleep, but there was one problem.

She was famished.

For a minute, charm had forgotten where she was and how she had gotten there. She muttered under her breath. She couldn't forget again.

On cue, the door opened. Osiris stepped through, maskless. He grinned at her, eyes sparkling. Of course, he was holding a tray, this time.with oatmeal, apple slices, and orange juice on it.

"Morning, Princess. Ready to eat?" He greeted cheerfully. Charm narrowed her eyes at him. "No." She replied. "I'm not eating. you're just wasting your time and food."

"I could always eat this myself, so I wouldn't be wasting anything. But I'd much rather you eat it." He walked towards her and set it on the bed near her.

She refused to move towards it, but the smell of oatmeal made her stomach growl loudly. Charm scowled as Osiris laughed.

"Looks like someone's hungry. Just eat." He demanded, all humor fading.

"No!" She responded forcefully, pushing the tray farther away from her. "You stubborn bitch" he muttered. "Fine. Starve yourself to death. See if I care. You don't have to be alive for you to be used as a leverage" he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Charm flinched, not because of the slammed door, but because he was right. Her parents wouldn't know she was dead unless Osiris gave them her dead body, and by then, he'd have the perfect opportunity to escape.

Her eyes went longingly to the food. Perhaps she should eat.... Charm shook her head roughly, snatched the tray up, and set it in the furthest corner. Away from her.

But as she stood up, she felt the ground waver. Thinking little of it, she went back to her book, because there was literally nothing else she could do.


A while later, Charm shut the book. She had finished it  in a day in a half. Now she had nothing to do, unless Osiris brought her another book.

She was so hungry it was hard to concentrate. She struggled to sit up, blowing hair out of her face. Charm frowned. She was already so weak, and she went only a few days without eating. She sighed, and glanced at the abandoned tray.

It was so tempting to just get up and take a bite..just one bite...Charm forced her gaze away. She couldn't get so weak.

Or maybe she could.

She stood up, to do what, she didn't know. But the moment she was standing, the room spun around her. She stumbled, trying to blink the dizziness away
Charm was feeling so weird, like she wasn't fully in control of her body. She felt numb. She somehow made her way to the door.

Charm banged on it weakly, before the darkness overcame her and she blacked out.

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