Chapter four

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A/N: idrk if this counts as a trigger, but it's better safe than sorry (': there will be mentions of wanting to die and starving!!!!

Thanks y'all, I hope you enjoy (:


Charm has nothing to do but sleep, so she slept. But all she had were nightmares, so she soon gave up on that and simply stared at the ceiling. There was nothing to do, no way to escape. She was going to go insane at this rate.

As promised, the male returned to her later that day, this time with food. Food that didn't require silverware, of course. "Eat this" he said, holding the plate out to her.

Charm was tempted to take it. She was starving and the pizza smelled amazing. She almost did, even reaching out her hand before realizing something. The food could be poisoned. She shouldn't eat anything he offered.

So instead of taking it she withdrew her hand and turned away from him. "I don't want it." She spit out.

"Darling, you need to eat. You want to live to get back to your parents, don't ya?" The male coaxed. He wasn't sure why he was trying so hard to get the stubborn girl to eat. He shouldn't even care if she ate or not.

"I don't want to eat any food that you offer me." Charm gritted out, eyes flashing.

Understanding dawned on the male. "Ah, you think I poisioned it. Kitten, if I were to kill you I'd use more creative methods to do so"

Shadow man didn't seem like the type to use poison, but Charm wasn't going to take a risk. "I'm not eating it. And for fucks sake, stop calling me that!" She snapped.

Undeterred, the male chuckled. "What else am I supposed to call you? I don't know your name, _kitten"__

"How about you call me nothing at all?" Charm muttered." The male winked, and Charm scowled. "Sorry, love. That's impossible. I always have to call everyone something. I'll leave the pizza in case you change your mind" shadow turned to leave.

Before he left, he turned back. "Call me Osiris" he told her before swiftly leaving.

Charm flipped him off after the door shut. She had no intention of calling him by his name. She had no intention of acknowledging him again. She also had no intention of eating the pizza.

She paced the room a little, the smell of pizza still clear in the air. Her stomach growled, and she ignored it. Perhaps there was a secret passage or something. It couldn't hurt to look, anyway.

So, ignoring the plate, she felt her hands along the walls. First she tried the door, but, of course, it was locked. Then Charm slid her hands along the smoothness of the walls and then the floors. She felt every inch of the place, even under the bed.

But charm found nothing. There was nothing. It was useless. Frustrated, she kicked the wall several times until her foot started to ache.

"Damnn it.." She muttered. She sat heavily on her bed in defeat. Charm really was useless in here. She couldn't do anything but sit around and wait. That was perhaps more annoying than anything else.

A while later, the door opened again. Charm stiffened. It was that guy. Shadow man..Osiris. whatever.

She scowled at him as he glanced down at the untouched plate. For the first time, he wasn't wearing his mask. If she could ignore the fact that he kidnapped her and was a villain, she would consider him attractive.

"You didn't eat, I see. You really are such a brave girl. Foolish, but brave." He murmured.

Her eyes clashed with his. Neither of them looked away from the other. "You need to eat sometime, love."

"I told you to n o t call me that. And I'm not eating anything you give me. And if that means starving to death...." Charm shrugged as though the thought of slowly dying was nothing.

It wasn't, she would have preferred to live. She didn't WANT to die. But what other choice did she have? Death was better than being Osiris's prisoner.

Suddenly, he strided forward and took her chin in his hand, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. Charm was too startled to do anything but stare. "For some reason, I don't believe that you want to die, darling. You'll eat eventually "Osiris chuckled, releasing her.

She jerked back, horrified that he touched her. She glared at him. "I'll prove you wrong." She hissed.

"You can try, kitten."

Laughing, he made his way back to the door, but before he went out, he turned back to her and threw something at her. She flinched back, and it landed in a thump next to her. It was a book.

"So you don't get bored." He muttered before closing the door behind her.

Charm glanced at the book reluctantly. She didn't want to touch anything he did, but... temptations. One chapter or two couldn't hurt, right?.

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