Chapter Fifteen

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There is smut in this chapter, so feel free to skip it if you want. It's actually very cringe 😭 seriously gonna die if SOMEONE bullies me about it 😔😔 anyway, I hope you enjoy <3

After they returned, Osiris walked charm back up the stairs to her room. They were both quiet, but not the awkward sort of quiet that made her babble. It was the peaceful one. The comfortable one.

They stood outside her door, facing each other. She placed her hand on the knob and turned it, not quite ready to leave but unable to think of any reason to delay it.

"Well...thank you, for taking me out. It was really fun!" She smiled at him. And he nodded, grinning softly. "Anytime, beautiful" hearing him call her that made her shiver, in a good way. "So, um, I think I'll just-" She turned to go in, but she only got five steps before a hand at her wrist stopped her.

"Wait" Osiris said. She turned around. "What is-mmmph!" His lips pressed down on hers, very gently. Charm's eyes flew open, shocked. But the shock slowly slid into pleasure, and her eyes fluttered closed. She pressed closer against him, sliding her arms around her neck and twining her hands through his Raven hair.

His hands slid down to her hips, gripping them firmly as he deepend his kiss, walking her backwards until she was pressed against the wall. Charm's lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip in her mouth and tangle with hers.

Her legs started trembling as he slowly slid his hand under her shirt, finding bare skin. She wanted more, a lot more. Osiris's lips left hers, and she whimpered in least until his lips found her neck.

She moaned softly as his lips softly kissed her skin before biting down and sucking, making her gasp. Charm tilted her head, giving him more room. He eagerly took it, moving his lips down her neck to where fabric covered it.

Growling with impatience, he stopped his assault on her neck and swept Charm up in his arms, turning and striding to the bed, throwing her on it.

She squealed a little as she hit the bed and bounced. Her heart beat was fast as Osiris leaned over her, trailing a finger gently over her face. "I want you" he said in a low, seductive voice. "Can I have you?"

Panting, she nodded her head. "Ye-yes." Without another word, he tugged off his shirt. With a gasp, her eyes devoured his newly revealed skin. Hi abdomen was hard, and his whole front was covered with various scars, some worse than others.

Charm reached up and touched one softly. She could feel Osiris shudder. She flattened her palm and moved her hand down his chest to his stomach.

She thought he looked absolutely beautiful. Sitting up, she gently kissed each and every scar. Osiris held still, allowing her to do so, but his control was limited.

Without letting her finish, his hands snaked under her shirt and tugged it off. Charm's eyes widened at the sudden movement, before he completely bared her chest. His lips trailed down, taking one nipple in his mouth and sucking on it, causing her to arch up and dig her nails into his back.

His moved his mouth the the other one, and Charm groaned, wriggling underneath him. He pressed down on her, keeping her pinned, her legs on either side of his hips.

Osiris grinded into her, and she felt herself grow wet. Charm slid her hands down and tugged on his jeans, her hands fumbling as she undid the button and sliding them off him, leaving only his boxers.

He trailed his lips lower, nipping at her stomach, making her squirm more. His hands had already removed her pants, leaving her in her soaked underwear. He smirked.

Osiris tore the underwear off, leaving her completely bare and at his mercy. He trailed his tongue lightly over her core, making her cry out, and liquid dripped out. He lapped it up.

Charm moved her hands into his hair, gripping it tightly as he continued to tease her with his tongue. She moaned, thrashing around. Leaving her wet, he moved up and positioned himself. Charm was gasping for breath. He roughly pressed his lips against hers, while his hands worked to remove his boxers.

He wanted to be inside her. He bit down on her bottom lip as he pressed his dick in front of her entrance. She shuddered hopefully. "Do it" she whimpered.

Without another word, he slammed into her, and they lost each other in the moment, into the pleasure.

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