Chapter Nineteen

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Charm gawked at her parents, feeling dread creep up on her. They were here. Was Osiris still safe or did they catch him by surprise and take him out?

Her parents grouped her in a hug, talking excitedly. "Charm, we're so happy you're okay! He didn't hurt you anywhere, did he?" Her mom asked, taking a step back and surveying Charm from head to toe.

"No, he didn't. Mom-" She tried, but her parents talked over you. "Sweetheart, you need to get out of here right now. We don't want that nasty villain getting you again" her father said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No. Mom, dad, listen-" She tried again. "Honey, we can talk later. For now you need to go." Her mom said sternly. Charm shook her head stubbornly. "No, we need to talk now. Before this gets out of control."

Her mom sighed, turning to her dad. She whispered something to him, and he nodded and turned and rushed away. "Wait - where's he going?" Charm asked, panicking.

"Don't worry about it, Charm. What did you want to say?" Her mom said soothingly. But charm wasn't soothed.

She was worried her dad was going to find Osiris, despite her claims and pleads. Maybe her pleading was useless, but she couldn't stop trying. So she looked her mom in the eyes and spoke as evenly as she could.

"Mom, look. You've got Osiris all wrong. He's not a villain, he's just misunderstood. So please don't send him to jail. Give him a change to redeem himself. Please, do it for me! He has a good heart."

Her mom's face was unreadable as she looked at her daughters desperate face. Finally, she sighed. "Honey, you're just confused. He's your captor. Are you SURE he didn't do anything to you?"

Charm was growing more upset by the minute. "Omg mom, YES. I'm sure! PLEASE believe me! You have to! Please!!" Her desperation was growing. Tears gleamed in her eyes.

Just then, there was a huge explosion, coming from the front of her house. Charm felt her eyes widen and her heart stop. Without another word, she started hurrying. Her mom grabbed her, trying to stop her. "Love, it's dangerous. Don't go that way. Your father is fighting him."

"Yeah, that's what I was concerned with" Charm muttered, pulling her arm away. "Let me GO. I need to stop them!" Without another word, she rushed outside of the house.

As she saw her father fighting Osiris, the feeling swirling around inside her wasn't one of awe. It wasn't how she usually felt when she saw her parents fight. All she felt was a bone deep horror.

"STOP IT!" Charm screamed at them both. But they ignored her. Or they couldn't hear. Either way, they were still trading blows at each other. Hurting each other. She tried again.

"DAD, STOP FIGHTING HIM! HES NOT DANGEROUS!" Charm started growing upset. She felt so useless. She needed to help Osiris.

"honey, you need to go" her mom said sternly, glaring at Charm. Charm glared right back but said nothing. Her mom, apparently having enough of her, reached out and gripped her. "I'm getting you out, even if I have to drag you" her mom growled.

She struggled as her mom started to drag her away. In desperation, she yelled out one more time. "DAD, OSIRIS! STOP IT!" Her voice cracked at the end, betraying her tears.

Osiris finally heard her. He turned and looked, only to be hit by her father, who ignored her. Charm screamed as Osiris hit the ground.

She felt so sick. That was her fault. She had distracted him. Charm had tried to help but ended up being a burden instead. Why....why was this happening?

She was so happy, why did this have to be taken away from her? Why did she have to  suffer seeing the guy she loved in pain and going to jail?

The guy she loved. She loved him, Charm realized, ,briefly going slack against her mom's iron gripped. She loved Osiris, and would do anything for him. Her mom slackened her grip.

Charm took that chance and pulled away. Her mom yelled and reached for her, but she was already gone. Her dad was ready to give the final blow. His hands were glowing red. He was gonna bast fire at Osiris. She couldn't allow that.

It was her fault Osiris was on the ground in the first place. She could give him this, at least. Just before the blow hit, Charm darted in front of Osiris, protecting him and taking the blow for him.

Her eyes widened as she briefly felt a burning sensation in her back before going numb. She slumped against Osiris.

"Charm...?" His voice broke as he said her name. "Charmaine, are you still alive?"

She was. Her breathing was slow, and her eyes were struggling to stay open. She looked at him.

"You're crying...." She coughed once, noticing the trail of wetness trailing down his cheek. "You're such an idiot. You got in the way." He hissed to her. She only smiled slightly.

"I...d-don't regret anything. I love you." She whispered, slumping down in his arms and going unconscious.

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