Chapter Eleven

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Charm was staring out the window, mesmorized with how the leaves swayed with the wind. It was honestly very beautiful. She could have stared outside for hours, but the opening of the door distracted her.

"Already? But I only ate just two hours ago-" she stopped once she turned and faced Osiris, who was holding his side and grimacing in pain. He was really pale. "Osiris? What happened?"

Charm sounded almost concerned. And she was keenly aware that this was the first time she used his name.

He tried to laugh it off, but he stumbled to the floor. Without even thinking about it, she hurried and knelt by his side. "Move your hands, asshole" she demanded.

"You could at least ask nicely" Osiris groaned, but did as she asked. There was a large gash in his side, seeping blood. It was quite deep. "Jesus what happened?" She asked, horrified.

She knew just by looking that the wound would need stitches if they wanted it to heal properly.

"I didn't expect him to have a knife." He muttered.

"stay here!" She demanded, rushing towards the bathroom. She dug through the cabinets until she found a first aid kit and some alcohol and some bandages.

She rushed out, and Osiris was still where she had left him, except he had propped himself up and was now staring at her. "You're gonna help me? Do you know how?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, kinda. My parents used to get hurt all the time, and I watched them help each other. I kinda picked up on some stuff." As she spoke, Charm dug through the first aid kit and found needle and thread. She set it all up and set it to the side.

"I need to clean the wound first before I actually do the stitching. This will hurt." She warned. "So what else is new?" Osiris grumbled, then hissed as she dabbed an alcohol soaked cloth on the wound.

"I'm sorry!" Charm cried, feeling genuinely guilty for causing him pain. He waved off her concern
"It's fine. Distract me" He said gruffly.

"How???" She asked.

"Just use your lovely voice"

She stared at him. "You must be losing too much blood" she told him.

"Nah, your voice is perfect. So are you. You're really beautiful " he murmured. Charm flushed a bright red as she finished disinfecting the wound.

"A-ah, thanks" She cleared her throat awkwardly. "I wanna kiss you" he told her, winching when she started stitching him up." Her hands shaking a little, she focused on the job rather than his words, murmuring

"I'm sorry" Osiris said suddenly, his jaw tight with pain. Charm glanced at him in surprise. She was not expecting that. "Sorry?" She repeated dumbly.

"Yeah. I regret taking you away. If I would, I'd bring you back but I don't think I can do that now. I'm sorry for everything. I know it's not enough, it won't ever be enough"

Charm was taken aback. She had never expected him to apologize to her like this, and she couldn't help but be a little touched. A true villain didn't know how to apologize. Right?

"Maybe you're not so bad after all" She murmured, finishing up the stitching and bandaging the wound. He laughed, wincing at the movement. His eyes met hers.

"Kiss me"

Charm blinked, startled. "What?"

"That's how you can distract me. Kissing is a very good distracting. So kiss me." He demanded, staring up at her.

Charm was speechless for a second. "I-"

"Please." He pleaded.

She nodded. What could one kiss do? Plus, she didn't like seeing him in pain. If this could help...

She placed her hands on the sides of his face and leaned down, softly pressing her lips against his

Osiris groaned kissing her back. Charm got lost in the kiss. His lips pressed harder against hers, and his tongue slipped in her mouth to tangle with hers.

She whimpered softly, wanting more. Needing more.

What was it that she thought earlier? What could one kiss do?

It turns out it could do a hell of a lot.

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