Chapter Six

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The first thing Charm noticed once she regained consciousness was the warmth surrounding her. She pressed closer to the warmth and nuzzled her head against what she thought was a pillow.

The second thing she noticed was that she was swallowing something. It tasted amazing.

"That's a good girl..." Someone murmured. She couldn't bring herself to open her eyes as she swallowed more of the food. It was so good. Why the hell did she think it was a good idea to starve—


Charm suddenly remembered. She had fainted...and now she was... eating. Who was feeding her? Her eyes shot open and she sat up quickly. The warmth, she quickly discovered, was from Osiris. She was practically sitting in his lap.

Gasping, she rolled away from him, inching back to the furthest corner of the bed, not trusting herself to stand. Osiris was sitting there, holding a warm bowl of oatmeal, spoon in his hand.

"What are you doing?" She asked in horror. Charm still couldn't believe she was that close to him.

Osiris chuckled, flashing an easygoing smile, but she saw a flash of something in his eyes before it disappeared. "I'm feeding you, what does it look like?"

"I told you I didn't want to eat anything you gave me" Charm spit out angrily. "For all I know you could have poisoned it!"

"I didn't " Osiris answered quietly. "You think I would have just left you lying on the fucking floor after you fainted?" His voice rose fractionally. Charm narrowed her eyes. "You should have!  Why do you even care?? You told me that you didn't care if I was dead or not, so why this? Why couldn't you have just let me die?"

Osiris hesitated. She could see the indecision in his eyes. "Okay fine. I don't want you dead. Happy!?" He growled, glaring at her. "And what you were doing, starving yourself like that, is fucking pathetic. Think of what your parents would think of the fact that their precious child nearly starved herself to death."

Charm glared at him. "You have absolutely no right to talk about my parents like you know them!" She yelled, angry tears sparkling in her eyes.

"You're right. I don't know them. But you do."he growls, setting the bowl down. "Finish this" he snapped. "If it's not finished I'll force feed you, and that won't be very pleasant for either of us." With that, he stomped out the door, slamming it.

Charm didn't bother hesitating. Her plan already failed. So she reached for the bowl and ate every last drop, savoring it. She admitted that it was rather stupid, now that she could think properly again. Not that she'd admit that Osiris was right. Not in a million years.

She set down the empty bowl and had to admit she felt much better after eating.

But what could she do now?

She had already finished the book. And  Charm would get bored if she reread it.

Gods, Osiris was such an asshole. She glared at the empty bowl. This wouldn't have happened if he hadn't grabbed her.

**Two hours later**

The door creaked open. Charm opened her eyes and sprang off the bed, fixing her glare at Osiris, who had just walked in. He observed her with a lazy smile. "You got your energy back. You're welcome, princess."

"I'm not going to thank someone like you" Charm growled. she clenched her hands together, shaking. She wanted to hit something. Who's a better target then the man standing in front of her?

"It it weren't for YOU" She strided forward. "I wouldn't have been that WEAK" Charm started hitting him, which did absolutely nothing. He just stood staring at her, an amused sparkle in his eyes. "If it weren't for you, I would be happy! Instead, I'm completely miserable and even wishing for death! If it weren't for you I'd be waiting for my parents to come home instead of being in this hellhole!" She yelled, hitting him as hard as she could.

This didn't affect Osiris in the least. He chuckled, watching her feeble attempts to hurt him. Finally, though, he had enough of it. He gripped her wrist to subdue her.

But she didn't stop. She kicked out at his legs. "LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE. LET.ME.GO." to subdue her further, he threw them both on the bed, Osiris firmly on top of her, pressing into her body.

Charm stilled, shocked. What shocked her wasn't the fact that he did that. It was how she felt with him pressed against her.

It felt...amazing. every part of her fit to him just perfectly. Heat pooled in her stomach and in between her legs, which were parted to give way to his. her stomach flipped as she looked up at him, eyes dazed.

He looked down at her, all amusement wiped completely from his face. But there was a spark of something in his eyes. A spark that strangely excited Charm.

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