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Charm heard the bleeping on the machine, an oddly comforting sound as she opened her eyes, squinting at the bright lights of the hospital room. She groaned, stirring. "Honey! You're awake! How are you feeling?" Her mom said, clearly relieved and grasping her hand tightly, squeezing it.

She blinked, disoriented, and looked around. Her father was staring at her, regret and guilt and love clear in his eyes. There were machines everywhere. Charm flexed, and felt a sharp pain. She flinched.

"I feel okay" Charm muttered, feeling oddly disappointed. Then she realized. Where was Osiris? She turned to her mom. "Where's Osiris? He's the one who brought me here. WHERE IS HE?" She asked, her voice rising with every question, panic causing the heart monitor to go crazy.

Her mom patted her hand, trying to sooth her. "Calm down Honey..can't this wait until later?" She asked.

Charm shook her head stubbornly. "No, this cannot wait. Tell me now. Where is he." She asked, looking at her parents in the eyes, one after the other.

"He's in jail. We arrested him after he brought you here" Her dad spoke up. Charm turned to face him, incredulous. "WHAT? You ARRESTED HIM? are you crazy??? WHY?" a tear streaked down her cheek.

She had chosen to live because of Osiris. And now she couldn't even see him?

Well, maybe she could.

"I want to see him." Charm glared at her parents and folded her arms, ignoring the stabbing pain in her back. "Take me to him right now."

Her parents looked uncomfortable. "Sweetie, that's not possible." Her mom stated carefully, as if scared that Charm would freak out. "What do you mean, not possible? I need to see him! Let me see him!" She cried out.
"You can't see him. The prison isn't offering visitor rights to him quite yet." Her dad told her. She scowled. "You can use your power to let me see him. Please! I need to make sure he's okay!!"

"Why are you so worried about someone who kidnapped you, anyway?" Her mom broke in, her eyes narrowing. Before Charm could speak, the doctor hurried in, holding some papers.

"I have some news for you all" he cleared his throat loudly and turned to face Charm, who already knew what she was going to say.

"You're pregnant." He bluntly said. Charms face was serene, only her hand drifted down to press to her stomach.

Her parents reactions were priceless. Their jaws dropped and eyes widened, literally. "What?" Her dad sputtered. "Pregnant? How???" Her mom said at the same time.

"I can assume you know how a baby is traditionally made" The doctor said dryly, making her laugh. But her laughter quickly faded as her parents looked at her, faces pale.

"Did he...." Her mom trailed off, staring at her daughter.  "No!!" Charm yelled forcefully. " He didn't..o fully consented to this! And no," Charm added, practically seeing the other question in her parents head. "I am not getting an abortion, and you can't make me! I'm keeping the baby!" She said stubbornly.

"You legally can't make her any longer. As of yesterday, Charmaine here turned 18." The doctor told her parents.

They all had forgotten it was her birthday. Charms parents blinked, at a loss.

They then came closer to her bedside. "Charm, please reconsider. You're not ready for this!" Her mom pleaded. Charm shook her head.

"I will not," She tilted her head, glaring at her parents. "I'm keeping this child, whether you want me to or not."

"It's actually a Miracle that the child survived the whole ordeal" The doctor broke in, breaking up the argument Charm was ready to have.

Charm smiled. "If she's a girl, I'm going to name her Miracle" She declared. "...our little Miracle." She whispered, mostly to herself.

A few weeks later...

Charm was finally discharged from the hospital. Her parents were so grateful that she was still alive that that accepted she was keeping the baby, and accepted her with open arms.

If it wasn't for the baby, Charm wouldn't have bothered taking care of herself. She missed Osiris terribly. However, she held onto the belief that she would see him again. She had to.

She wanted to hold him in her arms. She wanted to kiss him and laugh and joke around like they used to. But most of all, she wanted Osiris to know about Miracle. She wanted him to be in their child's life.

At night, she stares out the window, looking at the stars. It reminds her of that night that things fully changed for her and Osiris. She pressed her hand to her stomach, whispering words meant for him.

"I hope you're doing okay." Sighing, she turned away, turning out the lights.

She curled up in bed. "I miss you.." she shut her eyes tightly.

Charm was about to drift off to sleep when she heard a knocking sound. But it wasn't coming from the door. It was coming from the window.

Vowing to murder whoever thought it was a good idea to wake her up, she sat up, eyes drifting to the window.

Once she saw who it is, her eyes widened and she held back a squeal, not wanting to alert her parents. She hurried to the window and opened it, smiling wildly.

"Osiris!" She couldn't help but throw her arms around him, nearly knocking him off. He laughed quietly, steadying himself before wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Miss me, Princess?" He winked at her and had his usual grin, but she could see him eying her up and down. She smiled up at him, taking one of his hands and pressing a kiss to it.

"I did! And don't worry, I'm completely fine now" she assured him. "I only have a small scar on my back, and it's healed nicely."

He studied her. "I never thought I'd see you again" his whispered hoarsely, pulling her close again. "I knew I would" she replied. "You're too stubborn to just stay in jail. I knew you'd get out" she said confidently.

Osiris arched an eyebrow. "Do you also know that I'm about to ask you to run away with me?"

Charm laughed as he held his hand out. She reached up and clasped hers firmly in his. "Let's do it!"

As he picked her up, she spoke. "Also, there's something you should know." Osiris was holding her close, just breathing in her scent. He had hoped she was strong enough to make it. "What is it?" He murmured.

"I'm pregnant"

His eyes shot to hers, and she gave him a mischievous smile. "What? Are you serious?" He whispered shouted. She nodded. "I am, and she's a girl. Her name is Miracle."

He smiled softly,  kissing her neck. "She'll be perfect, just like her mother. Now, why don't we get out of here?"

"Yes," she smiled at Osiris, her lover, her future, her everything. "Let's."


Yeah, technically thr book's over!!! It was so much fun to make! I did make an epilogue that'll be out tomorrow (: there possibly might be a series, it depends though!

I hope you all enjoyed this! :D thanks so much for reading<3

Jordan stfu about the fanfics or I will smack you 😠 

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