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"mommy, look! What's that?" Miracle, now six years old, pointed at the tiger lounging on a rock.  Charm looked at the tiger, and then at her daughter. "That's called a tiger, Honey. It's a very beautiful and majestic animal."

Her daughter turned and looked at her. She had her father's eyes, Charm couldn't help but note with a smile of affection. "It's so pwetty, can I pet it?" Charm laughed and picked Mira up, swinging her around.

"Sorry, Love. There's no way to get in the cage. If there was, I'd certainly let you"

At that moment, Osiris appeared, grinning. "Now what are these two beautiful ladies talking about?" Charm kissed him on the cheek, handing Mira to him.

"Daddy! Can you open the cage? I want to pet the twiger." She gave Osiris puppy dog eyes. He rubbed her head, looking at their daughter with such love it made Charm's heart full.

"Sorry, pumpkin. I'm too weak to open that cage for you. Here, how about we go see the fish, next?" He suggested.

Mira nodded happily. "Yes! Fishes! I wanna see the fishes!" She giggled happily, bouncing around.

Charm smiled fondly as Mira and Osiris walked ahead of them.  She was so happy. She had a good life with the man she loves and the daughter she adores.

She watched as Osiris pointed out the fishes to  Mira, who clapped in delight, laughing. " I want one!" Mira pouted. "I want a fish! Give me a fish now!" She demanded.

"What a demanding little girl you are." Osiris teased. "We'll get you one, I promise. Just not now, okay? These belong to the zoo"

"NO!" Mira screamed. "I want a fish! Now! GIMMIE a fish!"

Then something happened to Mira.

Mira fixed her eyes on the fish tank, a stubborn pout fixed on her face. Her eyes full of angry tears. A little flame exploded in her hair. Charm quickly patted it out, but another flame exploded from Mira, setting a nearby bush on fire.

Osiris and Charm quickly put it out.

Osiris and Charm said nothing, but they each exchanged a glance.

Their daughter inherited more of  their fathers genes than they thought.

Charm wondered what the future would bring. She wanted Mira to have a good one. But that wasn't guaranteed.

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