Chapter Thirteen

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Charm admitted to herself that she was disappointed when she noticed she was reading the same line in a book over and over. She slammed it shut and and tossed it on the bed. 

She wished she wasn't bothered by such a small thing, but she was. It was because she enjoyed spending time with him, and she enjoyed talking to him, and her feelings were growing for him. The entire time she spent with him her heart never stopped fluttering.

And she wasn't the only one who felt something. She knew the signs. Charm saw the way he glanced at her lips, and the way he leaned in to be closer, and when he touched her, he lingered, as if he didn't want to let her go.

She sighed.

She was so messed up.

How was she going to explain this to her parents? She'd be like, "yeah, mom and dad. I fell in love with the villain you've been after, and who kidnapped me, so can you do me a favor and leave him alone so he doesn't go to jail? And oh, it's highly likely he won't change his villainous ways for me, so he'll continue doing his little crimes but don't worry! He treats me well!"

Yeah, there was no way this was going to work. Her parents would think she was crazy.

Was she crazy? She didn't know anymore.

Osiris's POV

He didn't mean to be so short with her. He hoped she didn't take it the wrong way or overthink. It was just extremely difficult for him to talk about his past. It was the past that shaped him into who he was today. It wasn't all sunshine and roses.

And he-

He didn't want her to feel pity for him. He didn't want her to look at him with those sad eyes.

Osiris wanted her to look at him the way she was beginning to now. He wanted her to look at him as if he was worth something. As if she cared for him.

That was all he wanted.

He didn't think he wanted or needed love, at least until Charmaine came into the picture. Now he craves it. He was completely and utterly in love with her, and he had no idea if she felt the same. Or will ever feel the same.

Despite the fact that she appears to forgive him, he knew there was no forgiving the fact that he kidnapped her. It was almost enough for him to give himself up.

It was selfish and wrong, keeping her here. But he liked the way he felt around her. He liked the way he felt more human. 

And he felt bad she was stuck here all the time. Perhaps he should do something with her outside. But what....?

A slow grin lit up Osiris's face as he thought of something. Something that she'd undoubtedly love.

**Charm's POV**

Charm had fallen asleep when the door creaked open. She stirred, barely awake.

"Charmaine? You awake?" Osiris whispered, peering down at her. Maybe he should have come back later.  But she groaned, her eyes flitting open. "Yeah....yeah, I'm awake" she said drowsily. What's up?"

"Would you like to go somewhere with me tonight?" He asked her. At that, Charm sat up and rubbed her eyes, fully awake now. "What do you mean?"

Osiris hesitated, as if deciding what words to use. "Well, you've been cooped up inside for nearly a month now. How about I bring you somewhere outside to get some fresh air? I know a nice place."

Charm's eyes lit up. "Wait, are you for real?? You'll take me outside??" She asked joyfully. It would feel nice to feel the wind on her skin again.

He nodded, flashing his signature smirk, but there was something soft to it. "Yeah, it's the least I can do" he murmured.

She rushed up and tackle hugged him, squealing in excitement. "OMGOMGOMGMG thank you so much!!" Osiris tensed slightly at the unexpected touch but quickly relaxed, hugging her back and resting his head on hers.

"Anytime. I'll come get you tonight after you eat" he told her. "So be ready"

She nodded happily. "I will!" She was smiling from ear to ear as he left. She couldn't wait to see the outside world!

And has it truly been a month? Charm couldn't believe it. It's been a while, yeah. But a month? Her parents had to be worried.

That made her joy vanish. She felt so bad. She wished that she could somehow let her parents know that she was okay, and safe. That she was alive..

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