Chapter Ten

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Charm paced, setting down the now empty tray. She was getting too soft. Just because he was kind to her and she was way too attracted to Osiris didn't mean she should act on it. But hell, it was so so tempting. She was supposed to be hating him but here she was.

What would her parents think? Charm covered her face with her hands. "Ughhh this sucks!" She groaned, flipping down on the bed. she didn't want to move. She screamed into her pillow.

**Osiris's POV**

Osiris leaned against the wall near her door, covering his face, which was red. She was opening up to him. Even after what had happened.

What he didn't expect was his feelings going haywire. She was so beautiful, and after he had pinned her to the bed, he couldn't stop thinking of her. She was like a parasite in his brain.

He didn't want this to happen. But the feel of her body pressed against his was almost too much. If he had stayed like that for one minute more, he would have kissed her.

Damn it, what was wrong with him? He was a Villain. She was the daughter of his enemies. This wouldn't work out. It couldn't. Plus, he was so sure that she absolutely hated him.

Well, he was sure until today. Until she told him her name. Now he wondered. Charmaine....he wouldn't have imagined that name for her, but it did suit her perfectly. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Osiris cursed and punched the wall. His life was going just well until he kidnapped her. She was distracting him.

He should really get rid of her. At least let her go. But he did think he'd be able to. He wanted her nearby. He enjoyed their interactions. Osiris didn't think he'd have the strength to let her go. he laughed bitterly.

He wanted the girl he kidnapped. What horrible luck. He couldn't stay in her room for more than a few minutes without feeling the urge to press her against the wall and kiss her.

"Damn it damnn it damnn it" he cursed. He had a real problem. And he didn't even want to get rid of it. Osiris hated himself for being so weak. For being so human. He wanted to hate her for making him feel this way. But he couldn't.

He liked it. Way too much. He stalked away from her door with a scowl. He had work to do. He had push Charmaine out of his head so he could focus. he pressed his lips together in a thin line. Man, what bad luck he had.

Added to that, she probably didn't hate him, but there was no way she'd want him back. He was the one who took her away from her life. He was the one who locked her up. There was no way she'd forgive him for something like that. There was no way she'd feel the same.

And he hated himself for that. The one girl he wanted, didn't want him back. The universe had a cruel and sick sense of justice. He'd almost prefer going to jail.

Which was a high possibility. Osiris grimaced. Her stupid parents were stubborn. Especially since they found out he took their precious daughter.

They'd find him eventually. And that would be hellish. Something to look forward to.

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