Chapter Twenty

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The first thing Charm noticed was that she felt no pain. Not at all. She felt strangely warm and comfortable, and she wanted nothing more than to stay that way.

At least until she heard the yelling. She opened her eyes, and all her memories rushed back to her. Osiris, her parents. The fight....her getting in the way of the attack.

She looked around. Charm wasn't in her body, she was floating somewhat above the commotion. She looked, her heart shattering into pieces.

"Charm! Charmaine! Wake up, you can't be dead! Please, I need you. Please wake up. Please don't die on me. Please, I never even got to say that I loved you." Osiris held her motionless body in his arms, rocking her slowly and openly crying.

She floated towards him and reached out, but her hand went through his body. Charm felt a tear slide down her cheek. Maybe she was actually dead..maybe this was it.

Her parents weren't moving. They were in shock with what just happened. Neither of them expected their daughter to get in the way. Neither of them expected this.

"It's your fault." Osiris mumbled to them, still knelt over her. Her looked up and glared, his eyes wet, the fire in them unmistakable. "It's your fault if she's dead. It's YOU'RE FAULT. what happened to a parents love? Maybe that doesn't exist anymore. Maybe all you care about is finding the villain and putting him in jail" he mocked. "If she's dead," he growled. "I swear to God I will hunt you down, and kill you. I will kill you like you killed her"

The ground rumbled beneath his feet, his powers growing uncontrollable as his grief took over. Her parents backed away, eyes widening.

His voice cracked. He was totally broken. Charm was crying. She wanted to comfort him. Wanted to say that it was her choice, and that she didn't regret it. Because he was alive, and that was all she cared about.

Suddenly, to the surprise of everyone, including her, her body moved a little, and she let out a groan. So she was still alive, if barely.

"Charmaine....!" Osiris fumbled for her pulse. He held it for a minute. "You bastards are lucky that she's still alive. Don't stop me from taking her to the hospital, you'll dearly regret it otherwise."he growled. Her mom went as if to stop him, but her dad held her back, shaking his head quietly.

They both let Osiris take her.

Charm screamed at the sky. So she wasn't dead. What was she, if not a ghost? How close was she to dying if she was like this?

"I'm not dead." She murmured out loud.

"No, not yet. You're hovering over the edge of life and death" a smooth, musical voice said. Charm wasn't even suprised when she looked over and saw a beautiful being there, all bright and golden with wings.

"Are you an angel?" She whispered brokenly. If he was here, was he going to take her away? But she didn't want to go. She didn't want to leave Osiris behind.

When the angel nodded in affirmation, she turned to him and pleaded. "Please, help me. I don't want to die.. I don't want to leave him alone yet. More tears streaked down her face as she begged. "Please....just help" She choked on a sob.

The angel watched her impassively, but she thought she could detect a hint of sympathy. "You really want to live in such a cruel world?" He asked.

Charm nodded without hesitation. "Yes, I do. It may be cruel a lot of the time, but it's also very beautiful. And I want to spend my life with him. I want to live a peaceful and happy life. I beg of you, help" she clasped her hands together.

The angel stared at her. Finally, he bowed his head. "I will do my best to accommodate you. You and your child, that is."

Charm's eyes widened, and her hands drifted to her stomach. "You mean I'm-" Tears sprang to her eyes, but they were happy tears. The angel nodded.

"Yes, She still lives in you yet."

Charm sucked in a breath. "She still lives? She's a girl?" Charm loved this bit of happiness in the sea of sorrow she was swimming in. It was like a lifesaver was tossed to her.

"As long as you try, I'll be grateful for that. Thank you so much, for helping me and my baby. Thank you for doing this for me. I will remember this, I  swear to you."

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