1: "If I was to get a girlfriend it would be Nam-ra"

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I have been seeing this one specific guy wherever I go, it's like he's been following me. I've also seen him before in the cafeteria. He hangs out with the bullies, Mung-hoo or whatever his name is. I'm pretty sure that's not his name though.

"Ya! Look over there, it's that hot bully I was telling you about yesterday at dinner!" Hyeon-ju quietly yells to you as you're both sitting on the school bleachers outside, watching the guys play football on the field.

You look over to where she's looking and see the guy you were just thinking about sitting right next to that guy Hyeon-ju fancies, Myeong-hwan. I mean they hangout a lot after school so I think they're slowly realizing they both have feelings for each other.

Myeong-hwan realizes we're looking at him and Hyeon-ju waves them over with a smile.

"Ya! I didn't tell you that you could wave them over! What if I don't wanna sit with them!?" You say and she shrugs and looks behind you. 

"Too bad, they're coming over now." She looks at you and then looks back behind you at the boys walking over. "I ship you and Gwi-nam, you guys look like you would be a cute couple!" She exclaims and you shush her.

"Shush! They might have heard you! Who's Gwi-nam anyways?" You ask and you both look over at them. 

"He's the one with the mullet!" She exclaims with a smile. As soon as you look over at the guy with the mullet, known as 'Gwi-nam', a shiver runs down your spine making you look at Hyeon-ju.

"He's the one that follows me! I've told you about him!" I whisper yell to her and she shrugs. 

"Oh well, he's cute and I ship you two" She says and I groan looking back at them who are now extremely close to us. They sit down next to Hyeon-ju and she smiles at Myeong-hwan. Gross. He's ugly and has a terrible personality.

Why would she ever find him hot? Even worse, like him so much to the point she can't stop talking about him to me. She says he's got a good personality once you get to know him but jesus, does she not see the way he treats others.

This guy Hyeon-ju ships me with, Gwi-nam, looks at me and we makes eye contact. I look away and at the guys playing football. I see my twin brother, Oh Joon-yeong, trying to play football, I watch him carefully as he goes to kick the ball but misses.

I laugh as he stand there embarrassed. "You fucking dumb ass" I mumble and look at Hyeon-ju. "Did you see Joon-yeong!?" I exclaim and the others all look at me. 

"No? Why?" She asks and I laugh, rethinking the moment so many times in my head that I think it will be permanently pictured and will be the only thing I will see for years.

"So... You know how Joon-yeong's strong suit is technology and science?" I ask and she nods, confused as to why I asked that. "Well, he's trying out football right now and he went to kick the ball and missed" We both laugh.

"That fucking dumb ass" She says and I laugh more, looking over at her. 

"That's exactly what I said once I saw!" I exclaim and we both laugh more while the boys sit there confused as to why we're laughing about something that isn't really that funny. Well, they don't know Joon-yeong like we do.

Hyeon-ju has been my best friend since kindergarten and she knows Joon-yeong just as well as I do, Joon-yeong and Hyeon-ju also have the same friendship that Hyeon-ju and I do. I don't mind anything Hyeon-ju says about him cause I know it's a joke and he doesn't mind it either.

"I'm gonna talk to him! I'll be back" I say once we've finished laughing. She nods and waves me off as I walk down the bleachers, avoiding bumping into other people sitting on them as well. I turn around and wave to Hyeon-ju again and she waves back again with a smile before she says something still looking at me, I read her lips.

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