20: "They can't hear you"

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You stare at the tests in shock. You're pregnant... And Gwi-nam didn't even tell you that you two had sex... That shit head. You're going to fucking kill him next time you see him. You throw the tests at the wall hard and they shatter before falling to the ground.

You storm out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind you, making zombies go crazy. "Yoon Gwi-nam I'm going to fucking kill you!" You scream at the top of your lungs hoping that he will hear from wherever he is.


Joon-yeong and On-jo climb back into the room one by one and they set the almost finished drone on the table. Everyone huddles around while Joon-yeong finishes it off. "Yoon Gwi-nam I'm going to fucking kill you!" Everyone hears you yell and they all look at each other.

"That was Yu-jin right?" Na-yeon asks and Joon-yeong and Wu-jin looks at her. They both nod. "Definitely her" Joon-yeong says before working on the drone again. 


You then smell Gwi-nam's scent and walk into the library where it's coming from. You see Cheong-san on top of a bookshelf and the other row of bookshelf fallen down. He notices you and you look at the hoard of zombies on the table to see Gwi-nam laying there getting bitten.

You scream and fall to the ground as tears start streaming down your face. Cheong-san looks at you confused as how you got in here without him or the zombies noticing. The zombies run around confused, looking for where the noise came from.

Cheong-san hops off the bookshelf and grabs your arm pulling you up before running with you. You try to shake him off but his grip on you is too strong. He runs down a hallway looking for anywhere to hide.

He then notices a pipe thing and opens the door climbing in before forcing you to climb in. You do and close the door, only for Cheong-san's safety because he's clearly not a zombie human like you. 

Cheong-san starts climbing up and you follow. He stops and pulls out a phone with blood all over it. It smelt like Gwi-nam's blood. "Is that Gwi-nam's blood?" You ask and he looks down at you confused.

"What?" He asks. "I can smell it, the blood smells like Gwi-nam's" You say which creeps Cheong-san out. "Yeah it's his but how the fuck do you know the difference between peoples blood?" He asks and you shrug.

"Just an ability" You say and he knits his brows together before trying to get signal. He keeps on climbing higher to try and get signal but gives up when he doesn't. He groans.

"We need to get out of here and to the others" He says before trying to kick a door open, over and over again. "Come on are you that weak?" You ask and he looks down at you confused.

"Hurry up and climb up so I can open this damn door for us" You say and he climbs up so you're right in front of the door. You push it open and it flies open. You push the zombies out of the way and climb out. 

You push the zombies away while Cheong-san climbs out. You two run down the hallway before going to the first classroom that you could find. You close the door quickly and the piano starts playing by its self. 

Cheong-san grabs a chair to use as a weapon while you just walk over to the piano before bending down next to it and seeing a zombie stuck. "It's just a zombie. It wants to play piano" You say chuckling.

You stand up and hear something outside the window. You look other and see a drone flying. You think nothing of it and steal the chair from Cheong-san and sit down on it.


"Ya! There's Cheong-san!" On-jo yells smiling before her and Su-hyeok hug while Nam-ra gives them a weird look. "Wait! Yu-jin's there too!" Wu-jin yells also smiling earning Nam-ra to look at the screen unlike before.

A smile forms on Joon-yeong's lips. They all watch as Yu-jin looks over at the drone and stares at it before shrugging and stealing the chair that Cheong-san was holding to sit on it. Cheong-san looks over at her and rolls his eyes.

They see her say something to him and he looks up at the drone. "Cheong-san! We're in the broadcasting room!" Dae-su yells into the screen, trying to get Cheong-san to hear.

"They can't hear you" Joon-yeong says blandly and On-jo yells this time. "Cheong-san!" She yells.

"They can't hear you" Joon-yeong replies again rolling his eyes which no one could see because of the vr thing he had on. Yu-jin looks at the drone furrowing her brows confused. She says something and Nam-ra reads her lips.

"Did-you-hear-that?" Nam-ra says. "She heard us!" Nam-ra yells smiling. Cheong-san shakes his head and Yu-jin nods. She looks back at the drone before walking over to the window right in front of it.

She reads the sticky note on top of it. "Help-we-are-trapped-in-the-school" She says and Cheong-san looks over at her before fiddling with his fingers. "Now that we know the two are safe can we check what it looks like outside of the school?" Ji-min asks and the drone flies away.


"I think that was the others, I heard On-jo yell your name from afar probably meaning they were looking for us" You say watching the drone fly to the entrance of the school where more chaos was going on. You could hear  it.

"Wait, On-jo?" Cheong-san says and you nod walking back over to the chair Cheong-san was now sitting in.

"Yeah" You say and it clicks, he likes On-jo. You smirk before punching him in the shoulder lightly with a chuckle. "You like On-jo~" You tease and he looks over at you. 

"No I don't" He replies quickly, making it obvious that he does. You chuckle and sit on the fallen piano which was still playing bad music. "Sure you don't" You say laughing.

"I really don't care if you like her and I won't tell her without your permission" You say and he nods. A few minutes pass until there's an awful high pitch ringing from the speakers of the school. 

You cover your hears and scream in pain while Cheong-san looks at you confused. It stops and you wipe the tears away from your face before there's voices from the speakers. 

"Somebody do it, Dae-su?" Hyo-ryung asks and Dae-su starts talking. "Here goes nothing. Uh, Mic test, One two, One two. Cheong-san and Yu-jin are you there?" He asks making you and Cheong-san get up and walk to the speaker in the room.

"We-" Dae-su starts again before getting cut off by Su-hyeok. "What are you doing?" Su-hyeok asks with a judgy tone, you chuckle but continue staring at the speaker waiting for more words. 

"H-Hey" Su-hyeok stutters, "Cheong-san and Yu-jin do you hear us? It's Su-hyeok. We'll come to you guys, stay put. Got it?" Su-hyeok asks and you nod knowing he can't see you. "Don't come moron, you're gonna get bit" Cheong-san mumbles scoffing.

"I know what you'll say Cheong-san but we can't hear you here" Su-hyeok continues on. "What the hell are you doing Bare-su?" Cheong-san mumbles again.

"So don't go anywhere, wait for us, You really can't go anywhere, okay? We'll come now" Su-hyeok finishes. "All good" Someone whispers. 

"Anyway, let's go. The smell of shit makes me wanna hurl" Dae-su says before gagging. "Dude, it's your shit" Wu-jin groans. "It's not just mine" Dae-su retaliates. 

"Yes it is" Su-hyeok says. "Really?" Dae-su asks. "Yes" Su-hyeok answers again. "This can't end well" Cheong-san and you say at the same time, groaning. Cheong-san walks to the door about to open it until On-jo speaks, making him look at the speaker again.

"Cheong-san. Please stay still" On-jo starts and Cheong-san stares at the speaker intensively. "I know you never listen to me but please do it this time" 

Cheong-san sighs and walks away from the door and sits back down in the chair. "Why isn't it working?" Wu-jin groans. "Beats me" Dae-su says when suddenly the speakers turn off and meditation starts playing.

"Another fun day at school..." The sound trails off and you roll your eyes knowing that today was not a fun day at school. You sit back down on the piano. 

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