9: "Your pushing me away now?"

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"Come on let's go to school now" Myeong-hwan says once you've all finished getting ready. You were dreading going to school looking like this. People would call you a whore even more than they already do and you were not excited.

Gwi-nam noticed this and whispers to you. "You okay?" You look over at him and nod, pushing him away. He rolls his eyes. "You're pushing me away now? Right after the night you were all over me" Gwi-nam says and you roll your eyes.

"Yes. I was drunk and you knew that" You say and he nods. "I did but you were still all over me." He pauses for a second. "You even admitted to liking me" You roll your eyes and push him away and you all start walking to the bus stop.

You hadn't caught the bus with friends in ages so this was gonna be a new experience. To be honest, you didn't even know if Myeong-hwan and Gwi-nam were even your friends. Hyeon-ju just invited them over at break yesterday.

Once you all get to the bus stop you wait, sitting down. Hyeon-ju and Myeong-hwan talk about some random stuff while you and Gwi-nam just sit there awkwardly.


You look over at Gwi-Nam and also see what looks like him in his thoughts. He was thinking about the same thing but in a different way, saying how he missed the feeling of your lips on his and how you kissed so passionately and not too aggressively unlike some other girls he's made out with.

The bus arrives and you all pay for yourselves while hopping on the bus. Everyone else on the bus stares at you all weirdly. You all had nice clothes that reeked of alcohol, wet hair and looked like you just ran over by a truck.

They all new that you four were hungover. The bus ride felt like forever, and everyone was staring at your little group. Couldn't they just mind their own damn business?

Once you get to the stop outside your school you all hop off, walking straight into school. Not many people were there but the ones that were looked at you all weirdly as to why you're wearing thst to school. You deeply regretted it now.

Just then you see your car drive into the school beside you. Seriously, Joon-yeong took your car to school? Once it parks you watch as, Wu-jin, Su-hyeok, Dae-su and Gyeong-su all hop out. How did he get that many guys into my tiny as car. I mean it's a decent size, it's an electric Nissan but STILL.

"That shithead, now my car is going to smell like boys" You mumbles and Gwi-nam looks over at you. "Hm?" He asks and you look over at him. "Nothing, just mumbling to myself" you say and he nods.

You see Dae-su point your way before saying something. The whole group of boys that came out of your car look over at your group walking their way. Only because it's where the sidewalk is but still.

"Isn't that your sister?" Dae-su asks and Joon-yeong looks over at that way where he is pointing and sighs as soon as he sees you wearing that. "Yup" Joon-yeong groans. He had a feeling something like this was going so he packed you some uniform that was currently in the boot of your car.

He walks to the boot and opens it before grabbing out the uniform and closing the boot. He starts walking to you and you look at him confused as to what he's got in the tote-bag. Once he reaches you, you're whole group stops.

"What's that?" You ask as he hands you it. "Uniform and ibuprofen, I thought you would need it so I brought some" He answers and you nod. "Thank you" You say giving him a hug.

Once you pull away you look at your car. "Also, how did you get that many guys in my car?" You ask as he laughs. "Yeah long story short, they all wanted a ride" You nod still confused but just laugh it off.

"Alright" He hands you your car keys and walks away without saying another word. You all start walking. "You're so lucky your brother brought stuff for you! I don't don't have a brother or a sister who can!" Hyeon-ju says and you laugh.

"Yeah I am, he's the best brother I could ever ask for" You say with a smile on your face. You all walk to the female bathrooms where you were yesterday so you can get changed. You didn't even have your bag without you so you had nothing for school. Jesus.

The other three wait outside while you go in the bathroom. You walk into a stall and get changed as quick as you can before looking in the bag. You see the ibuprofen and some other thing. You pick it up and look at it closely confused at to what it is.

You read the packet and see that it's a plan B pill. Why the fuck did Joon-yeong think you needed one of those. You're just a innocent girl who doesn't fuck people because she's not a whore. You walk out of the stall and turn on the tap, you take the ibuprofen and throw the plan B pill back in the tote-bag.

You walk out and to the others. You all start walking to the construction site where the boys hangout because you still had half an hour before school starts. As you're walking you decide to tell them what you found in your bag.

"I found a plan B pill in the bag Joon-yeong gave me, why the fuck would he think that I needed a plan B pill? I didn't even do anything" You say and the others nod while Gwi-nam pretends he didn't hear you making you suspicious of the things you did last night.

"I mean you haven't done anything sexual that I know of since your ex" Hyeon-ju says and you nod, Gyeong-su was your ex last year until he found out you liked Wu-jin so he broke up with you. He was the last one to do anything sexual with you and that was ages ago.

"He was good too." You say making the boys look at you weirdly. You look up at the sky. "Future boy that fucks me, you've got competition" You say before you an Hyeon-ju laugh, the boys don't do anything, they just stood there weirded out.

You make it to the construction site and go to where the boys hangout. You and Gwi-nam sit on the bricks while Myeong-hwan and Hyeon-ju sit on the buckets that they moved to be across from you guys.

You all start talking and joking around about random things that honestly you couldn't give a fuck about. That's just when you remembered, your period was due today but you still haven't gotten it. You know periods come later and they're not always on time so you don't worry too much.

But what if you and Gwi-nam did do that and he just didn't tell you because he thought you would freak out? Maybe just maybe that was the case.

Beside you Gwi-nam thought he was fucked. Literally.

Gwi-nam fucked you last night and just didn't tell you because he though you would freak out and not talk to him. The thing is, he didn't use protection because he used the ones he thought were in his wallet.

Gwi-nam knew that you should've took the plan B pill because if it's too late then you'll have a baby Gwi-nam and Yu-jin running around. Gwi-nam knew he was dead if you somehow found out that he fucked you last night.

You were going to find out sooner or later though so he was going to be dead sometime soon.

God dang-it.

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