11: "She's into you"

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School goes by quickly and before you know it, it was time to go home. You look at Hyeon-ju who was sleeping on two chairs in the classroom you and the couple other students had just finished cleaning.

You, her, Gwi-nam and Myeong-hwan were supposed to get tteokbokki tonight as dinner again and she was asleep. Normally she makes it there before you so you figured that it would be easier if you just left her asleep and closed the door loudly on the way out.

The others who were cleaning with you two had just left and so it was just you and a sleeping Hyeon-ju left. "Oh well" You mutter quietly before walking to the door, you look back at her once before exiting the classroom and closing the door loudly so she'll wake up.

You walk away and exit the school proud at your joke that you had just pulled. You walk to your car and realize that, Joon-yeong, Wu-jin, Dae-su and Su-hyeok were all waiting outside your car for you. 

You roll your eyes once you get to the others. "Can you drop the others off?" Joon-yeong asks and you look at them, they all gave you puppy dog eyes and you sigh. "Fine, hop in" You unlock the car and hop in with the others. 

Dae-su was in the front because the boys thought it would be the best, Joon-yeong was in the middle cause he didn't have to get out until you did, Wu-jin was on the left while Su-hyeok was on the right.

You all buckle up and you drive away, to the first destination, Dae-su's place cause it was the closest. Once you've dropped him off you drive to Su-hyeok's place, dropping him off. You're about to do a U-turn to go to Wu-jin's when Joon-yeong speaks.

"Wu-jin's coming to ours tonight" He says and you roll your eyes just driving straight ahead. "Alright" You say, the boys were laughing and talking in the back when you arrive to the apartment building you and your family live in.

"I've never been gone in the building in a car" He says and you furrow your brows confused but then realize he's just saying he's never been in the parking lot. "There's a first time for everything" Joon-yeong says and you nod.

You park and you all walk up to the apartment you live in. You walk straight to your bedroom before getting changed and doing your makeup as your everyday out of school makeup. Once you've done all that you grab your phone and go onto the group chat.

Yu-jin: Are we just meeting up there?

Myeong-hwan: Last I checked, yes.

Yu-jin: Alright

You grab your keys and walk out of your room to the front door when you hear giggles coming your way. You turn around and see Wu-jin and Joon-yeong walking up to you. 

"Where ya going?" Wu-jin asks dragging the g along. "Food with my friends" You say mocking the way he said the last sentence.

"Can we come?" Joon-yeong asks, mocking the way both of you said it. "No" You say mocking it again, with a fake smile. 

"Please" Wu-jin and Joon-yeong say at the same time, both dragging along the se at the head. You roll your eyes. "No" You say, dragging along the o. You just walk out of the apartment and close the door in their faces.

When you get there you walk in, instantly seeing Gwi-nam and Myeong-hwan sitting there next to each other. You sit in front of Gwi-nam and look at the empty seat beside you then at the guys. 

"Where's Hyeon-ju?" You ask and they both shrug at the same time. "Don't know, she hasn't came yet" Myeong-hwan says and you nod.

"Maybe she's just late" You say and they both nod. "I wonder what the tteokbokki will taste like from this place, I haven't had it from here before" You say and the others nod.

"Hopefully good" Gwi-nam says and you nod. After a little bit of talking a waitress comes up to you guys and asks what you would like to order. Both of the boys look at you, wanting you to say.

"3 tteokbokki bowls please" You say and she nods. "Anything else?" She asks and you think for a second. "3 waters too please" You say last minute and she nods. "You're food will be out soon" She says before flashing YOU a smile and walking away.

"She was totally interested in you" Myeong-hwan says and you shrug. "Maybe she was just being polite, you never know" You say.

"She's into you" Gwi-nam says and you shrug again, not answering this time. "That's the third time we've been out and someone's been interested in you" Myeong-hwan says and you furrow your brows in confusion. 

"Third? Who was the first or second, there was that man waitress last night and then  the waitress right now, who's the other one?" You ask and Myeong-hwan chuckles while Gwi-nam and you both look at him confused.

"Gwi-nam of course, as soon as he layed eyes on you last night I could tell that he found you extremely hot" Myeong-hwan says, Gwi-nam and you go red while he just laughs. "See told you, plus it even looks like you're interested in him" He continues and I look away not saying anything.

"You two should just date already" Myeong-hwan says and you sigh, that was the second person in a day just to tell you that. Even last night before Wu-jin and Joon-yeong knew it was you and Gwi-nam they shipped you.

"Yu-jin, please" You hear Myeong-hwan say and you look over at him. "Alright" You sigh and Gwi-nam's eyes go wide. "What about you Gwi-nam, do you wanna date Yu-jin?" He asks Gwi-nam.

"Yeah" He says, still shocked that I even agreed to dating him because of all the times I rejected, saying that I wasn't ready for a relationship. "Good! You two are now a couple!" Myeong-hwan says loudly and the same waitress delivers the food, putting them in front of us. 

Gwi-nam just stares at you, still in shock that he's now dating Yu-jin, the girl he slapped, the girl hat rejected him a lot of times, the girl that he was convincing himself that he hated and the girl he fucked without protection while she was blackout drunk.


What would he do if she got pregnant?

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