22: "S-She's dead"

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Ages pass and everyone's sitting in a circle while Su-hyeok and Nam-ra sit on the window sill in silence by themselves. No one says anything but someone notices your eye, you could feel it.

"Yu-jin, what happened to your left eye?" Dae-su asks and you look up at him while everyone except the other two look at you. "What do you mean?" You ask, playing dumb. 

"It's blood red and the veins around it are popping out around it" Dae-su says and everyone looks at you scared. You look around and see a random mirror on one of the walls near you. You walk over to it and look in the mirror.

You gasp and put your hand up to your eye pretending that you already didn't know that this happens. You were hungry and it didn't help that there were a bunch of humans in the room.

"Jesus..." You say as everyone looks at you. Suddenly you smell something that was not human, it smelt like Eun-ji. You ignore it and just look back at the others.

"I don't know what it is, maybe something just happened when I was fighting zombies earlier on" You lie and Cheong-san looks at you eye. "That happened back in the principals office when you were staring at the principal right after Gwi-nam killed him" 

Cheong-san picks up his weapon and now points it towards you. "Woah! What are you doing!?" You yell putting your hands up. "When you walked walked in the library your lips were stained blood red." Cheong-san says and everyone stands up and walks to the other side of the room scared while Su-hyeok and Nam-ra look over at you.

"What do you mean? Why are you all scared of me?" You ask and look at Joon-yeong and Wu-jin who were standing behind Cheong-san. "I'm human!" You yell putting your hands by your side. 

"Then explain the colour of your lips back in the library!" Cheong-san yells and you roll your eyes. "I put a lip gloss on! It was tinted!" You yell back lying.

"You're a fucking good lair Yu-jin" Cheong-san says with a chuckle. The hoard of zombies that were there when Cheong-san and Su-hyeok come back but this time you see one that you recognized, Gyeong-su.

You fall to your knees and cry, tears flow down your cheeks as you just stare at Gyeong-su banging on the door trying to get in. "Why!" You yell. "Why did you have to turn into a fucking zombie!" You yell and the others look over at the door where you're looking. 

They all see Gyeong-su and immediately become sad as a tear flows down Cheong-san's cheek. You stand up and wipe your cheeks trying to stop the crying at you look back at Cheong-san and the others.

"If you're so fucking scared of me I'll leave!" You yell and they all freeze. "Cheong-san I'm going to kill you!" You hear Gwi-nam yell from afar and realize that the others didn't hear it.

"I'll just find Gwi-nam and help him kill you" You say begin walking to the door before something stabs you through the back and Joon-yeong lets out a small scream as you gasp.

You turn your head around and see Cheong-san terrified holding the book stand which was currently in your back. At this point they knew you weren't human. Human's would have screamed and died from that but you were just standing there death glaring Cheong-san. 

The book stand goes further into you and you see it come out from your stomach. Suddenly you remember that you're pregnant and your baby's probably dead. You start crying as tears start streaming down your face.

"No..." You say quietly staring at your stomach. "M-my baby..." You say quietly and Cheong-san gasps letting go of the book stand making it fall to the floor but still in you, making the stab wound in your bigger. 

You grab the book stand and pull it out before throwing it across the room and turning around to look at Cheong-san. Before you can do anything a massive pain hits you and that's when you know it.

You're about to die again for the fifth time. You stumble over to a wall and slide down it making yourself comfortable. "Good night" You say calmly as Joon-yeong runs over to you, shaking you trying to keep you conscious.

"I'll come back for you Cheong-san" You say weakly before blackness hits you once again, a feeling your too familiar with. Joon-yeong cries beside you and your head flops down.


"S-she's dead..." Wu-jin cries walking over to Joon-yeong and hugging him beside your body. "C-Cheong-san. You k-killed her" Joon-yeong says once him and Wu-jin pull away. Cheong-san stands there terrified that he just killed  someone.

One of his friends sister to be exact. "Joon-yeong... I'm sorry" Cheong-san says as Joon-yeong cries holding your body in his arms. 


Twenty minutes pass and you gasp for air and everyone looks at you shocked because they all saw you die. You put your hands on your stomach and feel no stab wound but also feel no vibration of a heartbeat.

I mean you kinda didn't want to be pregnant while not alive so it's good and bad for you. "Y-Yu-jin... You're alive..." Joon-yeong speaks and you look over at him. "I was never alive" You say blandly with a poker face and he looks at you confused.

"That was my fifth time dying. I got stabbed in the neck three times by Gwi-nam, stabbed in the neck once by the principal and died just them. I'm immortal" You say and he looks at you confused. 

"I got bit in the cafeteria while fighting off zombies and turned but I'm not a zombie and not a human. And I can't die" You say looking at the others. "So you're like a hambie?" Dae-su asks and you knit your brows together.

"Not human but not Zombie, hambie" He continues and you shrug. "Whatever." You then smell that smell again, the one that smelt like you and Eun-ji.

"Did anything happen with Nam-ra while I was dead?" You ask standing up and they all nod. "She's like me. I can smell it" You say it and they nod.

You look at Cheong-san and he stands up terrified. "I thought we were friends?" You ask walking closer to him, he backs up wanting to get away from you.

"W-we are" He says and you chuckle. "Were" You correct and he looks at you more terrified as his back hits the door. As you walk past the storage room you smell a human in there. You don't care because Cheong-san is more important right now.

"I bet you killed Gyeong-su as well?" You say and he shakes his head. "No! That was Na-yeon!" He yells and you slap him across the face.

"Why did you kill me!?" You yell before slapping him across the face again. "Because you were threatening to kill me with Gwi-nam!"

"Didn't mean you had to fucking kill me!" You yell and slap him across the face. "Do you know what dying feels like?!" You yell as zombies bang on the door. He shakes his head.

"It doesn't feel very good when you're impaled with a metal rod!" You yell and slap Cheong-san again. You're about to go to snap his neck but Dae-su runs to you and pulls you away. You accept it and just scoff.

"You're lucky Dae-su pulled me away otherwise you would be fucking dead right now!" You yell before walking to the door that he's not in front of and opening it. "Have fun fighting these fucking zombies!" You say before walking out of the room, leaving the door open.

Before any of the zombies walk in On-jo closes it quickly. You walk past the door Cheong-san was leaning against and all of the zombies ignore you while you death glare him.

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