19: "Cheong-san I'm going to kill you!"

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You run to the infirmary room, opening the door quickly and shutting it straight away before searching everywhere for a pregnancy test. Suddenly you smell people. You stop and stand up, you turn around to see four people staring directly at you.

Two of them were pointing an arrow each at you while the other two were behind them holding brooms. You wipe your mouth and put your hands up showing you have no weapons. "Ya! I'm human!" You lie and they lower their weapons hesitantly.

"I'll only be here for a short amount of time" You say before turning back around and searching the place again. "Why are you alone?" One of them asks and you turn back around, looking at them again.

"Because I just am. Got a problem?" You ask, turning back around and looking everywhere again. You finally find a box with a bunch of pregnancy tests in them and grab two from different brands. 

Better knowing it's true then believing something not true. You stuff them in your pockets before looking around for something to drink cause you were extremely thirsty. You find a tap and turn it on, splashing water on your face to clean it.

You drink some water while the others look at you carefully to know you're not going to turn or harm them. You walk to the door. "Alright, I'm leaving." They all nod and you open the door just standing there.

"Should I leave the door open or not?" You ask and they raise their weapons again. "I think I should" You smirk before standing there and screaming at the top of your lungs. Zombies come flooding to the door you're at but you just walk out and close the door before any zombies could get in.

You walk to a bathroom and grab out the pregnancy tests. You pee on them both and then put the caps back on the place them on the bench while you wash your hands. You lean against a wall bored because you still had five minutes before they told you the results.

You decide to eaves drop to see if you could hear any survivors drama. You finally hear something and listen closer. "Where's Cheong-san?" A girl asks and you recognize her voice, On-jo.

"I don't know, we split up in the teachers office and I haven't seen him since" You hear a guy's voice also recognizing their voice, it was Su-hyeok. "I hope he's safe. I can't loose I-sak and him" On-jo says sniffling. 

"Wait, didn't we make a drone in science?" You hear On-jo ask and you hear someone reply. "Yeah, but it's in the science room and we need more parts because it's not finished yet" That voice was really familiar, someone you had known since you were born.

Oh Joon-yeong.

You smiled knowing that your brother was alive and safe. You decide to see if there's any other survivors that you could listen in to and in fact hear two more. "Cheong-san I'm going to kill you!" You hear Gwi-nam scream as he groans in pain. 

Just then a whole bunch of things fall down. You shiver and look at the tests beside you. You pick them both up before looking at the first one. Positive. You look at the second one. Positive. 

So you were diffidently pregnant. Jesus, in a time like this. And how did you even get pregnant? You haven't done anything sexual since last year with Gyeong-su. 

You then remember when you told Hyeon-ju, Gwi-nam and Myeong-hwan about how your brother packed you a plan B pill and Gwi-nam looked like he was freaking out because you didn't take it.

He was the one that got you pregnant.

Jesus christ. 


"Guys, Yu-jin still isn't here and it's stressing me out. I want her to be safe" Nam-ra says as On-jo and Joon-yeong climb out the window to go to the science classroom above them.

"I'm sure she's safe. You know her, she's extremely kind but if you piss her off she'll fuck you up." Su-hyeok says looking over at Nam-ra reassuringly.

"She will, trust me, It's happened to me quite a few times." Wu-jin says before chuckling. "Let me tell you guys some funny stories about her" Wu-jin starts and everyone nods.

"Okay so you know when I came to school with a black eye and bruises all over me" Wu-jin starts and everyone nods. "Well... I stole Yu-jin's phone while she was texting someone and read the messages out loud and wouldn't give her back her phone and she was so pissed she wouldn't stop beating me up until I gave her back her phone" Wu-jin chuckles as everyone stares at him blankly.

"Another one is when I hid in the back seat of her car and jumped out trying to scare her and she punched me in the face, breaking my nose. Jesus it hurt. While she was apologizing she was crying because she felt that bad" Wu-jin says and they all nod, not knowing how to react.

"Jesus, Yu-jin is like a sister to me. If she dies I will fucking kill myself" Wu-jin says and everyone nods again. "I never really liked Yu-jin because she was always a bitch to me but occasionally when she actually had a conversation with me she was extremely nice" Ji-min says, starting a circle where they all say things about Yu-jin.

"Yu-jin helped me when I slipped over in the mud in P.E while running laps one session. She even gave me her spare uniform for me to wear so long as I returned it clean." Hyo-ryung says. "The skirt was awfully short though" She continues.

"Is that why you had such a short skirt that day!" Ji-min exclaims just putting two and two together. Hyo-ryung nods. "Yeah" "Ohhhhh" Ji-min laughs.

"Yu-jin was never nice to me, she always looked down on me and thought I was way better than her. Even once her and Hyeon-ju laughed at me and pushed me around like I was a toy at the start of this year" Na-yeon says, picking at her nails anxiously.

"Maybe you did something to piss them off?" Wu-jin asks and she shrugs. She looks over at the person beside her signalling for them to start talking.

"Occasionally when I stayed at her family's place she would make her famous chicken wings for dinner and they were so good. God, I want them now" Dae-su says, his mouth watering at the thought of her chicken wings that she made.

"Oh god, they were so good" Wu-jin says, his mouth also watering at the thought of them. "Yes!" Su-hyeok says, again, his mouth also watering at the thought of them. "Jesus christ, she should work at Cheong-san's mum's chicken place. They were so fucking good" Gyeong-su says his mouth also watering at the thought of both of their chicken wings.

"Anyways" Gyeong-su starts. "She would always spend time with me, she would help me with my homework, play video games with me, comfort me when I was sad, go outfit shopping with me when I had no good clothes. She was even the girl who took my v card"

"We all knew you guys dated so that's not a shocker" Dae-su says looking over at Gyeong-su sitting next to him. "She was so nice and caring until I found out that she liked Wu-jin and her feelings for me were gone" Gyeong-su says looking over at Wu-jin.

"She did?" Wu-jin asks and Gyeong-su nods. "She did, I loved her..." He says looking down, fiddling with his fingers. "Jesus, I'm sorry man" Wu-jin says and Gyeong-su looks up at him.

"It's no big deal, what's in the past is in the past" He shrugs and looks over at Su-hyeok, telling him to go before it becomes awkward.

"Yu-jin would always drive me places I needed to go, especially after school, even if she was in a rush she'd always make sure I was there. For my 17th birthday this year she took me to get my licence, I failed" He chuckles before looking at Nam-ra.

"She ran into me while running from Gwi-nam. We both fell over and that was the first time I ever interacted with her. But then yesterday we sat down and had a deep talk and got to know each other, she's actually really funny and nice. Her humor can be a bit harsh sometimes but I know she's just joking. She's the only one that has actually made me feel like I've had a friend" Nam-ra says and everyone nods.

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