14: "I'll stop them, tell them to fuck off"

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Miss park, On-jo and Su-hyeok all walk into the room to you still crying on the floor hurting yourself while Joon-yeong sits beside you trying to force your hands apart. Miss park immediately runs over to you and kneels down beside you.

She looks at your hands and realise that you've been pushing so hard on your hand with your nail that there's now blood all over your hand and nail. She also tries to force your hands apart.

"Yu-Jin stop please" Joon-yeong begs and you just continue crying, screaming almost. The one person you needed the most right now was Hyeon-ju and she's not here all because you left her asleep.

With the force of two people trying to pry your hands apart it happens, your hands spread apart quickly and they each hold one hand away. "Please let me go! I deserve to die!" You yell.

"No you don't Yu-Jin!" Joon-yeong says making Miss park agree with him. "You deserve to be alive, you haven't done anything wrong!"

"Yes I deserve to die! If I had just woken up Hyeon-ju this wouldn't have happened!" You yell crying more as blood pours out of the hand Joon-yeong is holding on my left. "It's not your fault, I'm sure you were just doing it as a joke" Miss park says and You cry more.

"I was! That's what makes it worse!" You cry before trying to get up again but they both hold me down. "Let me die!" You scream at the top of my lungs as other teachers from other classes walk in confused as to what's happening.

You try to get up again but they all hold me down as You cry. "Let me die!!" You scream as someone runs into the classroom. "Gwi-nam go back to class" One of the teachers say and You immediately look back at him. You try to stand up to run to him but the teachers and Joon-yeong hold you down.

"Let me go to Gwi-nam!" You yell, not as loud as the other times and they hesitantly let me go. You stand up and run to Gwi-nam as people start whispering to their friends asking what's going on between you two. You hug Gwi-nam tightly and he hugs you back.

"Don't die, it wasn't your fault" he coos, rubbing your back. Who knew Gwi-nam could be such a softie. You look back at another pair of open windows in the hallway. On-jo noticing where You were looking at gets up and runs to them, closing them.

You cry into Gwi-Nan's chest, just wanting to die as he holds you tightly, not letting you go.

Ages pass and you finally calm down, as soon as Gwi-nam had hold of you the teachers left, going back to their own classes. Gwi-nam stayed with you, sitting at the back of the classroom on the ground with you. Miss park tries teaching the lesson again while you try to be quiet in the back.

You silently sob into Gwi-Nan's chest as he runs your back calmingly. "Rumours are gonna spread that this happened all over the school and I'm gonna be teased more than I already am" you say quietly and he continues rubbing you back.

"I'll stop them, tell them to fuck off" he says quietly and you look down at your left hand, it had finally stopped bleeding but there was dried blood all over it. "Don't look at it" Gwi-nam says pushing your hand away.

You look up at him to find him already looking at you. The bell rings and everyone gets up and leaves. "Let's take you to the bathroom, get you cleaned up" Gwi-nam says and you nod.

You both stand up and Gwi-nam interlocks your hand in his. You both walk to the boys bathroom and walk in. Boys already in there complain about how he's bringing a girl in there but he doesn't listen, he just simply walks to the sinks with you.

He were his hands before rubbing them on your face gently, wiping away the tear stains and messed up make up all down your face. "Bro why's in here, why didn't she just give you head somewhere else?" Someone asks and Gwi-nam glares at him before going back to cleaning your face.

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