18: "Who's a fucking loser now?"

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You wake up to Gwi-nam and the principal talking. "I'm not going to get your fucking car" Gwi-nam says and you open your eyes. "Ya! Do as I say! I'm your principal!" The principal says and you look over at him.

"Why don't you get your fucking car" You say groaning because you were tired and everything was louder than usual. "As your principal I order you two to get my car!" 

"Shut the fuck up or I'll actually eat you! You're being so fucking loud!" You groan covering your ears and moving your legs up, putting your feet on the other arm rest. Gwi-nam puts both of his hands behind his head and closes his eyes.

"Go get my car you brats!" The principal yells threatening to hit you both. You stand up and he grabs one of the knifes from the coffee table next to you two. "Fucking kill me I dare you" You say spitting in his face.

He scoffs and wipes the spit off before holding the knife closer to you. "If you kill me just know that I'm going to kill you" You say walking closer to him as he backs up confused and scared.

"Go! Fucking kill me!" You yell as Gwi-nam just watches with a smirk on his face glad that you're his girlfriend. "Fucking kill me!" You yell before the principal stabs the knife into your neck.

You fall down pretending to be dead and open your eyes slightly to see Gwi-nam calmly sitting there while the principal is breathing loudly and shaking. He also smelt really bad.

You stand back up as he looks at you super confused as to how you're still alive. You pull the knife out of your neck as tones of blood come flooding out of your neck. Unfazed you hold the knife up to the horrified and confused principal.

"H-how are you still a-alive" He stutters backing up. "Boo bitch" You say with a smirk as Gwi-nam just laughs. Soon a headache comes over you and you groan. 

"Shit, I'm loosing a lot of blood, I'm going to die. I'll come back for you" You say before walking over to the last couch that he has in his office. You sit in it and you groan one more time before blackness hits.

Your head flops down to the side while the principal sits down on the only vacant couch left. "Ugh, I love her" Gwi-nam says as a smile.

"Why?" The principal says with a scoff. "She's a creep and didn't even die when I stabbed her in the neck" Gwi-nam narrows his eyes at the principal before scoffing and leaning back staring at the ceiling.

Ten minutes pass and you gasp for air as the two others in the room look at you. You feel the side of your neck and feel no stab wound before smirking. "I told you I'll come back for you" You say before standing up.

The principal stands up horrified before stumbling to get behind the couch. Gwi-nam stands up, joining you. This wasn't a surprise because Gwi-nam said that he hated the principal the most in the school.

After a while Gwi-nam finally gets the principal leaning over the coffee table with his hands behind his back and a knife up to him as you crouch down in front of the principal making him look directly at you.

"Now, now, what's with the long face?" You ask with a devilish smirk plastered on your face. "Scared?" You ask and he tries to talk but the piece of tape over his mouth doesn't help him. 

"Oh wait you can't talk" You laugh as Gwi-nam puts the knife down and takes the principal's tie off with one hand. "Enjoying this?" You ask before someone bursts into the room, closing the door quickly behind them.

You, Gwi-nam and the principal all look over. You see Cheong-san standing there shocked at what's happening. "What is happening?" Cheong-san asks and you stand up completely facing Cheong-san.

"This shit head fucking killed me" You say pointing at the principal. "And he tried to kill Gwi-nam by telling him to get his car" Cheong-san looks at you confused because of what you just said.

"He killed you?" Cheong-san asks, looking you up and down. "Yes! Stabbed me right in the fucking neck" You say pointing as to where you were stabbed. 

"Nothing's there? Are you feeling okay Yu-jin?" Cheong-san asks and you scoff with a little laugh. "I've never been fucking better" You say before facing the principal.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" You mutter before booping him in the nose with a little giggle and smile. "Ya! Help me tie this assholes hands together!" Gwi-nam says looking at Cheong-san and he shakes his head.

You grab the tie off Gwi-nam and tie the principals wrists together. The principal grunts trying to get out of your grip when you slap him around the back of the head. "Stop fucking moving you shit head!" You yell.

Just then the sound of a video starting on a phone plays making you turn your attention to Cheong-san who is now holding a phone up recording. Gwi-nam puts the knife behind his back and you let go of the principal just staring at Cheong-san.

"Stop the fucking recording" You say glaring at him while he shakes his head. "Listen to her!" Gwi-nam yells making you groan because of your sensitive hearing. "Shit sorry" Gwi-nam says looking at you.

You walk over to Cheong-san and he backs up until his back hits the door behind him causing a few zombies to come to the door. "Give me the phone" You say holding your hand out to him.

"No" Cheong-san says and you groan. "Give me the fucking phone!" You yell and he shakes his head again. You go to grab the phone but he moves his hand away making you groan again. 

You walk back to Gwi-nam and stand next to him. "Both of you are just fucking losers, you will never be cool you know?" Cheong-san says. He continues on saying things like that until Gwi-nam gets completely pissed and pulls the principal up.

The principal stands there horrified and Gwi-nam brings his arm out from behind his back and slashes the principals neck with the knife, killing him.

Cheong-san gasps as the principal falls down onto the couch as blood pools out of him like a waterfall. "Who's a fucking loser now?" Gwi-nam asks wiping the blood off the knife and onto his white button up top. 

"Y-You just k-killed the principal..." Cheong-san stutters horrified while the smell of blood infiltrates anything that you can smell. You stare at him, mainly the blood trying to calm down your nerves.

Gwi-nam and Cheong-san both notice your staring. Your left eye turns blood shot red and the veins around it pops out more as your mouth waters at the taste of him.

"Why are you staring at him Yu-jin?" Cheong-san asks pulling you out of your thoughts and making you stare at him. Fuck. He smells even better, alive people taste better. You groan. 

"Give me the phone" Gwi-nam starts putting his hand out. Cheong-san stops the recording still horrified of what just happened. He lowers his arm but still doesn't pass Gwi-nam the phone. 

Your attention goes back to the principal while the two alive, tasty, fresh flesh, boys fight over the phone, Gwi-nam wanting it while Cheong-san also wants it. Everything the two say becomes a giant blur as your mind starts thinking of the taste of blood and flesh in your mouth again.

Come on Yu-jin, you know you want it. Doesn't it taste so nice? The metallic taste of blood on your tongue while they sit/stand there not able to get out of your grip, their delightful screams of pain filling your ears as you take another chunk of flesh off them.

Come onnn! Just take a bite out of one of them already! You have three people to choose from! Pick one and rip them to pieces, you know you're starving. 

Cheong-san suddenly runs out of the room and Gwi-nam jumps over the coffee table before running after him. You run to the principal and take a bite out of his neck as the metallic taste of blood hits your tongue.

You continue eating him until there's suddenly a pain in your stomach like something just attacked you from inside. You groan and look down at your stomach, lifting your shirt up...

Your stomach was bigger than usual...

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