15: "I love you"

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For the rest of the line you just stared down at your feet not even bothering to talk or listen to anyone. We make it to the bin and Gwi-nam puts his in the bin first before walking to the side and waiting for you.

You put your tray on the storage shelf above the bin and walk to where Gwi-nam was standing. now that you two had finished eating you were planning to go sit where you were yesterday cause that's the new hangout spot.

You had science next and you were not excited. Just as you guys are walking down to the doors of the cafeteria people start running in screaming, some people close the doors and a whole bunch of people pile outside at the doors pounding on them wanting to be let in.

You and Gwi-nam freeze being the only ones walking down the middle isle. Everyone gets off their seats and starts moving back confused and scared while you just stand there with Gwi-nam.

The glass finally shatters, causing you to flinch and grab a hold of Gwi-nam. Everyone starts piling in screaming, falling over one another. Once most people were in a creature runs in after a girl. 

She screams as it pounces on her and eats her alive ripping flesh off her neck. You gasp and hold onto Gwi-nam tighter and he backs up, bringing you along with him.

"W-what is t-that?" You ask shivering as a tear rolls down your cheek knowing that Hyeon-ju is now probably one of those things as well but somewhere else meaning you're going to die someday soon if it spreads quickly which it is.

The thing that just ripped flesh off that girl gets off her and she turns into another one of those as they both pounce on different people, spreading the population more.

"Shit, we need to get a weapon. This is spreading fast" Gwi-nam says looking around to see if there's anything that you two could use as a weapon. You look around as well before seeing On-jo on the floor by herself just staring at a creature thing.

Before you know it, the creature is charging at her. She freezes and backs up a little trying as best as she can while on her ass. The creature hovers over her as blood from it drips onto her face.

"On-jo!" Cheong-san yells before running up to her and pushing the thing away. The sprinklers in the cafeteria go off wetting you both. A thing charges at you two and Gwi-nam quickly grabs a chair and wacks it with it before grabbing your hand and running to the kitchen.

You slip over because of the floor that is filled with a centimeter of water. A creature runs at you as you freeze and accept that you're going to die which you are thankful for. 

Gwi-nam pushes the zombie away from you and pulls you up. "You shithead! I wanted to die!" You yell and he doesn't answer, just continues running.

You two make it to the kitchen and slide down underneath the barrier, the water making it easier to slide. Gwi-nam and you get under a table with another guy, you sitting on Gwi-nam's lap.

A creature lurks outside of the table and without thinking Gwi-nam pushes the other boy out, he screams as the creature bites into him turning him into a creature. You go to say something but Gwi-nam shushes you by putting his hand over your mouth

Honestly you think they're zombies because you watched the walking dead and train to busan and they are similar to the ones in the movies. So you're just gonna call them zombies.

"We're both going to grab a knife then fight off the zombies. Once we've done that we're going to jump out the window okay? It's not that high we did it last night" Gwi-nam whispers in your ear and you nod.

Gwi-nam slides you both out and you immediately get off him standing up before running to the knifes. You grab two and hand one to Gwi-nam. Zombies were coming my way and his so we put our backs against each others and the zombie tries to bite you but you stab it in it's neck remembering from the walking dead.

"Stab it in it's neck" You say to Gwi-nam behind you, pulling out the knife from the zombies neck. "Alright" Gwi-nam grunts as the zombie you just stabbed falls to the floor.

Another one pounces at you and before you can stab it in the neck it bites your wrist. You wince but try to be quiet so Gwi-nam doesn't question it.

You stab it's neck and pull the knife out once again and it falls to the ground. The fact that these zombies used to be students are disgusting to you. You're practically murdering people right now.

You look around and see no more zombies inside the area Gwi-nam must have recognized this as well because he gently pushes you towards the window. 

You realize what he's meaning and walk to it, jumping up on the bench and opening it fully. You look both ways and jump down. Once you land you wince as ground shock fully comes over you. 

"Shit" You hear Gwi-nam mutter before he jumps down. "Come on, let's try and get in the school" He says and you nod as you both start running some way.

Gwi-nam climbs through a window before lending you a hand and helping you get up. Hearing zombies you both start running to an empty bathroom. He opens the door and checks the room noticing it's clear.

He pushes you in before running in himself and closing the door quickly. He sits against it as you sit down against a wall next to the door. You both pant and you look down at your wrist again.

You know you should tell Gwi-nam but you just can't. There's something in your mind going 'don't do it' and it's annoying you. You look up at him and see him with his head against the door and his eyes shut.

You open your mouth to speak but the words don't come out. Gwi-nam opens his eyes and looks over at you. You close your mouth and he looks at you confused.

"What is it?" He asks and you may not be able to say it but you can show him it. You move your wrist up and show it to him. His eyes widen as tears roll down your cheeks, you make no noise though. It's just tears.

Gwi-nam leans towards you and pulls you closer to him. He puts his knife down and grabs yours from you also putting it down. He pulls you into a hug and you sob into his chest. 

"I wanna die but I don't wanna leave you alone" I sob and he rubs my back. "It's fine, I can handle myself. I just want you to know that I love you" He says before kissing my head.


He loves me? 

"I don't care if you don't love me back because we're so early in our relationship, I just want you to know that I will always love you" He says and I look up at him.

"I love you too" 

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