2: "You dumb bitch! Get back here!"

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"Nam-ra?" Hyeon-ju starts, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me look at her. "Please. She's not even that pretty." Ouch, if she's not pretty then I'm super ugly. "Have you seen Yu-jin? She's the hottest girl on earth." She says and I smile.

"If I was gay for anybody it would be Yu-jin. Not Nam-ra, not On-jo, Yu-jin" She continues on and I smile. She continues on knowing that it's hyping me up and making me more confident. "Look her" She turns to me. "Isn't she a beauty"

I smile and push her. "Stop~" I whine with a giggle afterwards. I can't get too hyped up and confident cause then some guy will say something and I will break. "Never" She hisses and we both laugh while the boys just sit there.

"Are you guys like mentally okay?" Gwi-nam asks as we keep pushing each other and laughing until we both fall over, Hyeon-ju onto Myeong-hwan while I fall onto the empty space behind me. We both laugh some more when Hyeon-ju answers Gwi-nam's question.

"Absolutely not" She says as we burst out into a fit of laughter again making the boys scrunch their brows in confusion. They honestly don't know what's so funny and neither do I to be honest. I'm just laughing because we keep laughing at nothing.

After what feels like ages we finally stop laughing and sit up. I realize that I had tears running down my cheeks and look at Hyeon-ju noticing she does too. "Is my mascara smudged?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Thank god I put on the waterproof one today" I sigh of relief and she looks at me, waiting for her to check if she has any on her face. I look closely and laugh. "It's all running down your face!" I exclaim in between laughs.

She squeals and pulls out her phone looking at herself. "Damn it!" She yells before also laughing with me. We soon stop laughing while the boys again just sit there confused. "Come on let's go to the bathroom" She says and I nod standing up.

She stands up after me and the boys do as well. I look back at them confused. "You guys know you can't come in you know?" I say and they roll their eyes.

"We know, we're gonna wait outside" Myeong-hwan says and I nod before we start walking off, Gwi-nam and Myeong-hwan behind us while Hyeon-ju and I walk in front of them. She hides her face out of embarrassment that there's mascara smudged all down her face.

I laugh at her and we soon make it to the bathrooms, the walk mostly silent. The boys lean on the wall outside while we walk in, going to the sinks. She gets her hands wet before looking in the mirror and trying her hardest to get the mascara smudges off.

"So, do you like Gwi-nam at all?" She asks and I shake my head. "Nah-uh" I say and she looks at me. "Don't even I little bit" She asks and I shake my head again. "Not even a little bit" She sighs.

"Do you at least find him attractive?" She asks and I roll my eyes. "He's attractive but his personality is shit. He bullies people for fun? The fuck" I say and she nods. "Understandable." She says trying again to get the mascara smudges off but failing, making her groan.

"Fuck me!" She yells and you both hear Myeong-hwan yell back. "Gladly!" He yells back and your stomach churns at the thought of Myeong-hwan, the lead bully fucking Hyeon-ju, your best friend.

I notice Hyeon-ju blush and I roll my eyes. "O-M-G! She yells trying to get the mascara smudges off, pushing harder and harder on her face. I look over at her.

"Let me try" I say and she nods, I get my hands wet before carefully rubbing her cheeks getting the mascara off easily. I wash my hands and she looks in the mirror before gasping.

"How!?" She yells and I just laugh. "You've got to be gentle, don't just push hard" I say and she nods. "Thank you" She says softly and I smile. "Anytime" I say before trying my hands with a paper towel while she washes her's.

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