chapter two

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"Hi, can I help you?"

While walking up the the north side, I tried my best to seemed the most confident. But by the tone of her voice, I clearly had failed. The petite woman stood before me, clips on her shirt's sleeve and a flat iron in her hand. She arched an eyebrow.

"Hi. I'm Julia's assistant. Charlotte." I said as I stretched my hand to handshake. Her face softened, realizing I was part of the crew and not some groupie that had made its way on set. She smiled and we shook hands like old times. I grinned, proud of myself for making contact with another member of this team.


"Glad to be working with you." I paused. "I'm actually looking for Jamie. Have you seen him?"

She nodded at her left and I followed her direction. I tried my best to be as silent as I had heard the bell rang once more. I squinted my eyes to see the floor, I didn't want to make a fool of myself by tripping on some cords. There were thousands of them. I finally spotted Jamie's tall figure, his hair almost non visible in the dark. I had stalked the guy before coming to work and maybe almost everyone on the cast and crew. So, I knew who to looked for. I stopped myself before entering his actor bubble, he seemed to be repeating lines. At school, they had taught us to never even make eye contact with an actor while they rehearsed. They said it was rude and impolite. So, instead, I stayed close, giving him quick glances from times to times to see if he was done.

"Did you have a question?" Jamie said with a thick British accent as my body went completely rigid. Frozen.

"Hum." I cleared my throat. "I'm Charlotte. I'm with the props. I'm here to give them to you before your next scene."

I stepped closer to where he was sitting. Finally, noticing it was a black milk crate.

"Oh." He responded, his voice more soft now. "My bad."

I bent down and laid on my knees to be at his eye-lever or so. He still sat taller than me which made him more intimidating. I put the box on my laps and reached for the watch first. I hand it to him as he put down his script on the floor and grabbed the watch.

"I can't tighten the strap." He whispered, stretching his arm to me.

"Here." I answered as I locked the watch on his wrist, giving him a small smile without being able to look him in the eyes.

"Julia to Charlotte?" I heard.


"Are you with Jamie?"

"Yes. I'm with him. He's ready in five." I whispered.

"Copy." Julia sayid before radio silent filled my ear.

I grabbed the Shakespearien book out of the box and put it down on the floor, besides the milk crate. He lifted his head up from the script, his eyes still focused on the paper. I heard him whisper the last lines of his scene which I had learned by heart. Like I had said to Julia, I liked being prepared. It meant more than reading my scenes. I knew them all. I took the boxes back in my hands as he looked down at the book and up at me.

"I'll see you around, Charlotte."

I nodded and turned around before letting the biggest smile appear on my lips. Being acknowledged by celebrities was something out of this world, it made you feel special. I made my way towards the south side of the studio where Julia was. By the time I arrived, Jamie and Sofia were already on set, prepping for the next scene. I quickly find the props' table where Julia was sitting.

"Alright." She said jumping off the table as I put the boxes on it. "You gave Jamie the watch and the book?"


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