chapter five

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@jamieflatters about Saturday night

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@jamieflatters about Saturday night.
I only found the stars when I went looking for you.

DAY 11
I hearted the picture showing on my feed. God, how I hated myself for leaving early two nights ago. I put my hair in a ponytail before putting back my new earbud. I took Julia's recommendation and bought myself a more comfortable one. It truly made a difference and it worth the twenty dollars it costed me. I threw away what was left of my lunch in the garbage before exiting the props room with Jamie's box. I hadn't crossed path with him since the last time he texted me on Instagram. My heart was beating fast just by the thought of seeing him. I changed the channel on my talkie.

"Charlotte to Aude."


"Is Jamie decent and in his dressing room? I have the props for the next scene."

"You can go."

"Good, thanks."

I twisted the button and put the talkie back on channel 6. I approached Jamie's room, muffled music coming out through the closed door. I knocked three times to announce my arrival and opened the door revealing an almost naked Jamie. One I could clearly see through the mirror's reflection. I dropped the box out of surprise.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I exclaimed swinging the door closed.

A few seconds later, the music's volume lowered down and the door opened. Jamie now completely dressed and in costume. He let the door opened for me to enter.

"I'm so sorry. Aude said you were decent so I—"

"You figured you would enter without knocking?" He said with a playful smirk on his lips.

"No. I. Um." I paused, feeling my cheeks getting warmer. I sighed before speaking my mind. "I knocked."

"Yeah, I know." He chuckled, raising his eyebrows.

I kneeled down and placed back the props that had dropped from the box. I could feel Jamie staring at me but I didn't let myself look up. I didn't want to meet his gaze because I didn't know how my body would react. Blushing, shivering or forgetting words. I didn't want it to be obvious. I didn't want to look vulnerable, showing the effect he had on me. Like I had said, I was no open book. So I stayed focused on my task. I left out his props on the counter by the wide length mirror.

"Here you go." I said, giving him a small nod.

"So did you have a fun night at the bar?" He asked, laying the back of his body on the counter and cocking his head searching for my eyes.

"Not really." I finally looked up.

"You would if you hadn't left." He smirked.

"But I did." I shrugged, with a bit snappier tone than I intended. I glances down to his hand on the counter, each of his fingers wearing silver rings. "I like your rings." I added more gentle, chewing the corner of my mouth.

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