chapter seventeen

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DAY 38
When I rode the elevator down to the lobby, I was stressed. First day without Julia, my thoughts were everywhere and my mind went at an intense speed. There wasn't a lot of props for the scenes in London. Basically, Sofia and Jamie's characters were on a trip here so we
were filming at almost every tourists attractions. I had prepped the box yesterday, before my flight, with two raincoats, an umbrella, their characters' cellphones, instant coffee, wallets, a map of London and a small digital camera. Everything packed in the same box as usual. I knew my tasks. I knew my scenes. I knew everything that needed to be done and yet, my knees were shaking. We were a small crew, maybe a dozen maximum and we were all waiting in the lobby for the production's bus. When it arrived, I triple checked if I had everything and took a seat at the back. I wasn't friends with the crew yet. I wasn't as experienced as them, they were intimidating. I really needed to do my best otherwise my name, my career would be tarnished. I looked at the front, Sofia and Jamie weren't with us. They must had their own transportation, a special one for the actors. First location of the day was the Big Ben. I sensed my phone buzzed in my hand.

Julia: Trust yourself.
I believe in you, kid.

I heart reacted to her text, my fingers couldn't handle typing full sentences for now. But her words made me smile and feel a tiny bit lighter. I exhaled a heavy breath as if it would exit all of my stress from my body. It didn't, but it still helped. I glanced at my side, catching Aude starring at me. She warmly smiled.

"You doing all right?" She asked, her eyebrows pinched together as if she cared and truly were worried. 

"Yes." I exhaled. "Everything is alright." I smiled, trying to convince myself more than Aude. I wished for the words I had just spoken out loud would manifest themselves and today would actually be alright. More than alright. I slid my headphones from around my neck to my ears as music echoed. Classical remakes of pop songs which I find the most calming kind of music to ease my nerves. I looked out of the window and took in the beautiful European landscape streaming before my eyes. In all of this stress, I had forgotten how lucky I was to be there. To do what made me the most happy as a career. I should be grateful and deep down, buried under all of that tightness in my chest, I was. The industry had given me experience, opportunities, new acquaintances. I thought about Julia. How she took me immediately under her wing and helped me find my spot, my voice on the production's team. She pushed me out of my comfort zone because she knew the potential I had, kind of like Gwen always did. Oh, how I missed Gwen. Especially right now, she always knew how to soothe me, calm me down. Gwen could walked in a room and light it up as the sun lit the world. She was that kind of person, that kind of friend and I would do anything to have my sun with me in this bus. I unlocked my phone and wrote my feelings with my thumbs. In my way, because I was never really good with explicitly expressing what my heart was truly feeling.

Charlotte: How much do I have to pay
you to book the next
flight and join me?

I closed the application to open another one. My photo gallery. I scrolled through the pictures and find myself staring at my most recent. Talking about missing someone, Gwen wasn't the only one. Without fully processing what I was doing, I closed once again the application and post the picture on Instagram, thinking it was the most beautiful picture I had taken and wanting for the world to see it. Because it was magnificent, almost as much as the moment.

@charliedavis London type of things

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@charliedavis London type of things.

I took a chance by posting the picture, it was blurry enough so that nobody could identify the figure. But I knew. And I wished I could have tagged him but it would only complicate things. Things such as his career and I would never want to be a burden for his growth because Jamie was meant for success. I was sure of it. Not only did he was a talented actor but also an inspirational and authentic filmmaker who could really change the film industry to the better. And I couldn't wait to witness it. All of it. My phone buzzed, lowering the music's volume at the same time to caught my attention. Gwen was usually fast to reply but it must had been five in the morning in New York so I wasn't expecting for her to text back.

Hawthorne: Don't forget out lunch.
I will see you.

I stared at the text. My jaw clenched as I sucked a breath in between my teeth who I hadn't noticed were also clenched together. My heart picking up a faster and irregular pace, my hands becoming moist as my body radiated heat as I closed my eyes and a déjà-vu feeling flashed before them.

Hawthorne: My assistant will pick you and Sofia up for tomorrow's lunch. 12PM.

I sensed Jamie's gaze on my face, his eyebrows furrowed as he bluntly showed his concern. He was so close, I could feel his breath on my cheek. I lifted my phone and pulled away his arm from the bathroom's counter to get out of the room. The light but cold temperature of the room contrasting with the hot steam I was wrapped in for the last hour. The ice cold air felt good, it made my breathing easier, smoother as I red over and over the text I had been sent. After the last lunch, I thought I was done with Hawthorne. Done with his touch. Down with his comments. I closed my eyes as I sensed the rage and the desperation fill my blood. I tried to hold back the tears that kept stinging my eyes, they were ready to fall but I wouldn't let them. Not a single tear would be wasted on this man. Jamie cleared his throat, I was glad that all he could see was my back.

"Is it bad news?" He asked, almost whispered thinking his voice might startle me.

"Kind of." I replied as I opened my eyes and turned to him, faking the widest smile I could in that moment. "But it's whatever."

He cocked his head as he stared, scrutinized my face as if he knew I was hiding something from him and was searching for it. I looked away before he could read my thoughts and passed by him to go to the bathroom. I turned off the shower and Jamie followed. I wondered about what would had happened if I hadn't received that text or if I had received it only minutes later. I wondered which one of us would have given in first. We were so close, our lips almost touching. Almost. But I was left with only wonder and what if 's and a heavy grip that kept tightening around my heart. Hawthorne's grip. I turned around to see Jamie, his side laying on the door frame and his body blocking me from escaping his possible questions.

"What?" I crossed my arms, annoyed and melting to the fact that he cared.

"You're not a very good liar." He stated causing me to shrug and let out a small scoff.

"Okay." I snorted. I tried to go under his lifted arm but he dropped it to once again, blocking me from exiting the room which only made me more irritated. "Let me out." I glared as I dive my furious gaze into his. My arms now brushing his chest as our breaths unintentionally synched as one. I wasn't about to let yet another man control my life. I knew Jamie meant well, but cornering me wasn't going to make me talk. Make me feel safe enough to talk about it all. He deeply sighed before moving out of the way so I exited and reached for the doorknob. "You should go." I instructed as I opened the door.

"Charlotte, I—"

"We have a early call tomorrow. I need to sleep."

He passed by me and walked through the door. Jamie turned around to face me but I shut the door before we could locked eyes. I shut the door before I would betray myself and tell him everything I shouldn't. Because if I did, it meant that all of it was real and truly happening to me.

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