chapter seven

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DAY 17"Yes

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DAY 17
"Yes. Everything's great mom. I'm not done with work yet... Yes. I'll see you next weekend."

I hung up the phone and placed it on the counter. Face down. I took the talkie out of my jeans and plugged its battery on the charger. My mother was coming to town next weekend for the anniversary of my father's death. We had a whole thing planned. Like every years since he passed. Saturday morning, we would brunch at what used to be his favorite coffee shop. Then, we would walk around town. Finally, we would feed bread to the ducks in Central Park and we would watch the sunset. New York was my father's first love. He loved everything about it from its smelly sewers to its magnificent building. He liked to call it The Center of the Universe because all the tiny lights coming from the windows of every building made it picturesque. I saw it now. When I looked out my window, New York was a portrait of the universe. And, like my father, I shared that same love of it. Most nights, I had found myself looking for him in these stars of light. Searching for a sign that he was still around looking out for me.

"Thanks again for staying tonight." Julia said as she entered the props room throwing the talkie on the counter.

I plugged it in for her. I knew she would forget to do it and be mad about it tomorrow. Julia had asked me to stay late that night, in exchange of having next Saturday off. I had to do some research and a list of what was missing for the next part of shooting. The production was cutting our shooting days short. We now had to film a 53 days production in 40. We were all stressed and if me staying late could help, then I would do it every time Julia asked. It was another chance to learn more about the profession. Sofia's character was an artist and she usually assisted art classes so one of my task was also to gather art supplies. Then, I had to paint different pictures on canvas for the scene. For the extras. At least, tomorrow's crew call had been delayed. I was thrilled to find out we would have 30 more minutes of sleep.

"It's really no problem." I smiled as I watched her putting her jacket on and retouching her makeup in front of the mirror. "You got a date or something?" I half-joked.

She stopped moving and looked at me through the glass.

"Maybe." She said, hiding the smile that creeped on her lips. I gasped.

"Who with? I love juicy gossips."

"Philip Vincent." She finally smiled.

"Nice." I laughed. "Is he waiting for you in the lot?" She turned around and scoffed at me in between smiles. "He does!"

"Okay. Okay. Calm down ya crazy girl." She threw her purse on her shoulder and made her way to the door. "Text me if you need anything." She yelled from the corridor as I heard the clanking sound of her shoes disappeared to the exit.

I chuckled to myself before getting my laptop out of my bag. I walked to the sofa and sat on it, resting the computer on my lap. I started by playing some music on my phone. Putting me in a work mood. My usual playlist that mixed any kind of genre. I loved any song as long as it had a good beat. I wasn't a lyrics girl. I was more of a does this song want to make me dance on a table kind of girl. A pop-rock song echoed from my phones' shitty speaker. Next thing I knew, I was creating a list of what we needed to buy on our next shopping run. I sang along the lyrics, louder now that I knew I was alone. Except for a few concierges and security guys. But I didn't really care if they heard my excruciatingly bad singing. The music's volume lowered down meaning a notification had came through.

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