chapter eight

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DAY 21My smile grew wider as I red Jamie's message

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DAY 21
My smile grew wider as I red Jamie's message. I tried to hide it by pinching my lips together. I lifted my gaze and spotted him on set, also on his phone. He looked up too to meet my eyes with a smirks on his lips. God, this feels surreal. Even with a certain distance separating us, I felt like we were in a bubble. A bubble where we had only eyes for the other one.

"Alright, everybody! Let's pick it up where we left up!" Greta shouted to the crew and actors, making both of us put our phones away. "And action!"

The whole studio was now silent, we could only hear Jamie and Sofia's dialogue. Julia lightly elbowed me before nodding towards our props table. I followed her to it and we sat in our respective chairs. Always so damn uncomfortable, I thought.

"So, how was your date?" I whispered while wiggling my eyebrows.

Over the past twenty days, being almost 24/7 together, Julia and I grew really fond of each other. She was a great mentor and a very respectable woman. She was exactly who I needed to start in the field. Who I aspired to be. I was always allowed to make mistakes as long as I learned from them. She truly wanted me to succeed and I would forever be grateful.

"In ya dreams. I am not discussing my dating life with my assistant." She smiled.

"Boohoo." I pouted as she gently slapped my knee.

"I've been meaning to tell ya. Great work on the paintings. It works like a charm."

"Thanks." I smiled, remembering Jamie's help with creating them.

The scene was going well, everything seemed to be working. Greta kept commenting, directing Sofia and Jamie and their chemistry was through the roof on the screen. Very genuine. I had previously noticed it when Gwen and I watched The School of Good and Evil. No wonder they had such a strong bond. They seemed so comfortable around each other, it really leveled up the scene. Especially, the romantic ones. Greta shouted the end of the scene one final time before lunch. When she did, everyone started moving, breathing again. Julia and I jogged onto set to take back our props.

"Let me help you with this." Julia said to Sofia referring to the opened and broken umbrella she had in her hand.

I stepped closer to the duo, boxes in each of my hand for Sofia and Jamie to both place their used props in it. He subtly winked at me as he saw me approach.

"How are my favorites doing?" A man voice echoed behind me. "Still great, I hope."

My whole body tensed up to this unforgettable voice and I stared at the void in between Sofia and Jamie. I bit my bottom lip trying to avoid it from shaking. Mr. Hawthorne joined us and I had no way of escaping him. His hands. I needed to wait for Julia in case there was a problem. And she was too focused on fixing the umbrella's mechanism.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hawthorne." Sofia exclaimed with a polite smile as Jamie gave him a small frigid nod. "What brings you here? If I may ask."

"Lunchtime." Julia silently mouthed the word to me, she had finally succeeded to repair the umbrella. She left thinking I would follow her. But as I tried to step away, Mr. Hawthorne gripped the back of my neck and twirled me to rejoin them.

"I'm actually here about the phone cases collab." He said now looking at me. "We can have lunch. I'm buying. Take notes for you friend."

Sofia responded but I barely heard any words because of my heart pumping so loudly.

"You in?" Sofia stared at me, her head cocking my way looking for an answer on my face. I gulped.

"Sure." I forced a smile as I sensed Hawthorne's hand brush down my spine and finally resting at his side.

"Lead the way." The man stated to Sofia as he lets her passed first and followed her.

I breathed out before forcing my feet to move. They felt heavy. I sensed a grip on my wrist, holding me back and I quickly snatched my hand from it. Overreacting to Jamie's touch. My chest rising and falling faster every time I took a breath.

"You good?" He frowned to my reaction, his jaw clenching.

"Yes." I firmly said but he squinted his eyes not entirely sure of my response's genuineness. "I'm fine, Jamie. I'll see you after lunch."

I gave him one last smile to convince him before jogging out of the studio and into Hawthorne's car where he and Sofia were waiting for me. During the ride, to avoid any further conversation, I scrolled onto my phone.

Charlotte: I went out for lunch.
I'll see you after.

Julia: Sneaky lil' gal!
Bring me back some dessert.

I closed my phone when we arrived at the small bistro. We sat at a table in front of the window. A few people gasped or took out their phone when they saw Sofia. She took a couple of selfies with fans and sat back on her chair. The chairs being the most comfortable thing in the room. The waitress came up at our table to take our orders but I wasn't hungry. Eating was the least of my preoccupation.

"Order anything you like." Hawthorne whispered close to my ear as he rested his hand on my knee. A playful smile on his lips. I abruptly got up from my chair making his hand fall.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom."

My fingers forming fists, I walked into an empty stall and locked it. I shook the numbness of my fingers and took deep breaths in. I needed to control it. I needed to get ahold of myself. Don't let the industry change you. Keep it interesting. Those were Jamie's words. They kept on echoing in my head. Making me feel like I had a promise to keep. A promise I had made to him. This lunch was the first step towards Gwen's ultimate dream. She needed this collab to work on building her business. If I didn't go through with it, her opportunity would be crushed. I did what I thought might helped me get out of this bathroom. I sat on the toilet and unlocked my phone.

Charlotte: On a lunch with our girl Sofia.
I'll tell you everything about it tonight xx

Gwen: oh my fucking god.
You can't hear me but I'm screaming.
Char, thank you so much for doing this.
I'll be forever grateful xxx

I smiled to her instant response. She was the best. She lifted me up every time I was down. If I could, I would give my life for her. Gwen listened to me when I needed to talk. Gwen took my makeup off when I was too drunk to do it. She was my biggest supporter and I was hers. I would never let her down and it wasn't going to start today. I took a big breath before flushing the toilet and unlocking the stall. I regained my place around the table with Hawthorne and Sofia. Ready to own this meeting and not let his touch affect me.

Stage 16 - JAMIE FLATTERSWhere stories live. Discover now