chapter twenty two

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"Yeah, we just finished, I'm on way to my room." I said to my mother through the phone as I rode the hotel elevator upstairs. My mother had called me on the bus ride back but the loud and excited shouts of my colleagues, celebrating the end of the production, made it almost impossible for me to focus on our conversation, resulting in my answers to be short and distant. But now that I was someplace calmer, I could finally center all of my attention to what mattered, her sweet and delicate voice immediately warming my heart and making me realized how much I needed my mother right now.

"How do you feel? The end of your first contract on a big movie."

"It's overwhelming. Those forty days felt like months, I was so sucked into this routine and the long hours and seeing the same people and now, if I'm being honest, I'm kind of scared to not be able to find another job like this."

"Honey, you won't find another job like this. Every set brings you different kind of experiences but you shouldn't have to worry. Look at what you did on this one, mhm?" She paused, wanting a reaction but I stayed silent, soaking up her every words. "You went to Toronto and now, you're in London doing the chief props' job and I'm sure you're nailing it."

"Except for when I didn't."

"God, Charlotte." She sighed and truly felt like I could feel her breath warming up my cheek. "You have to stop doubting yourself and start trusting your capacities. You've studied this industry for four years and previously, you watched your father on sets since you were little, this is your second nature, it's in your DNA." I snorted to her last comment, the elevator doors opening before me as I stepped out of it and walked toward my room.

"Thanks for the pep talk, mom."

"What kind of mother would I be if I didn't hype up my daughter from time to time?"

"A bad mom." I chuckled as I struggled to open my room door, the phone trapped between my cheek and shoulder as I wiggled the keycard in front of the magnetic lock.

"So, when do you flight back?"

"Tomorrow morning." I silently sighed when the door finally unlock after a few attempts as I eagerly entered the room in much need of laying in the bed, my feet hurting from the long hours at work. "The flight is at eleven so I should be home by eight at night, if there's no complications."

"Okay. You should be careful with your suitcases, I saw on the news that the number of thieves increases a few months before Christmas." I sat on the bed and bend over to my shoes, untying the laces and kicking them out of my feet. When I straightened myself, my eyes locked on what rested on the small coffee table of my room, my mother's voice slowly fading.

"Hey, mom." I cut her monologue off. "I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Is everything okay, honey?"

"Yeah, someone just knocked on my door." I lied before we both said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I immediately clicked on the name in my contact list, my gaze flickering between the screen of my phone and the coffee table.

Are you at your apartment?

British Boy:
What if I am...

Can I come over? I have some things that belong to you.

British Boy:
Sure, you know the way.

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