chapter twelve

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DAY 32We arrived at a downtown's bar two hours ago

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DAY 32
We arrived at a downtown's bar two hours ago. The pub was packed with an older crowd which fitted more our crew's ages. It had wooden planks plastered all over the walls, neon signs of famous brewing companies were hung onto it as well. In the middle was a bar, the counter made a full circle. It was rustic, warm and in a way small-town like. I stayed at our tables while most of my coworkers danced to the country music. I laughed, watching Julia struggling to learn the steps. She finally abandoned her original idea and ran towards me, chugging her blond beer as she sat on the stool.

"God, it's awfully hot in here." She exclaimed, wiping the sweat off her forehead and lifting her arms in the air to vent her armpits. She took another big gulp of her beer and I chuckled. "Drink. Legal age here is 19."

I snorted.

"I'm legal in New York too, Jules. I'm 21."

"What?" She slapped her hands on the wooden table, her hands sticking on it for a few seconds which made me crackled. "Drink." She insisted so I took a sip of my black beer. It tasted like coffee. She smiled, satisfied.

"You're a bad influence." I told her.

"We have a half-day tomorrow." She stated. "Have fun." She ordered and waited to let the words sink before storming off to the dance floor for a second attempt at learning the choreography.

Her words got through to me. That night, I let myself let loose. I put my mind to off and stopped overthinking everything. Well, I tried my hardest. I didn't danced with the others. I didn't talked with new people. I stayed at the table with my beers. I didn't even attempt to escape by being on my phone. Gwen would have been proud. I enjoyed the ambiance and conversations with my colleagues when they weren't busting a move on the floor. When last call got shouted, a few of us craved something greasy. A street food authentic meal. So, we walked around the city until we found what we were craving for. Pizza.

@charliedavis don't ask for a bite, it's already in my belly

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@charliedavis don't ask for a bite, it's already in my belly. Thank you Toronto for the best pizza.

After our delightful pizza search party, we finally decided it was time to head back to the hotel. I ordered a PFTR. A Pizza For The Road. I held the white cardboard box firm in my hand. The booze still strong in my blood, I stumbled a few times on the way. Julia's arm hooked to mine, we walked together until we reached her floor. The second one.

"Good night darlin'. Lil' trick of mine, drink a full glass of water before going to bed." She mumbled, the elevator doors almost crushing her body as she shrieked and jumped out.

"Good night." I laughed.

The fourth floor dinged and I stepped out of the elevator. I made my way to my room as I looked down in my purse to search for the magnetic card. I grabbed my cellphone instead and next thing I knew I heard a ringing sound. Now, I was the one who called people in the middle of the night.

"Hello?" He groaned.

"I think your ghost possessed me too." I drunkenly whispered.

"What?" He tiredly chuckled. He clearly was asleep at this hour.

"Help me." I squealed. "The ghost won't let me open my room's door. 412 is locked forever." I sighed before hanging up.

I slid my body down the wall besides my door. The pizza box resting on my laps as I opened the lid.

"At least, I have pizza." I whispered to myself, lifting a piece to my mouth.

"Care to share?"

I looked up, the pizza still in my mouth and found Jamie in his pyjamas, standing in front of me. He looked like he had just woken up. His hair disheveled, his cheeks flushed with faint sheets' marks printed on them. His eyes were small, blinded by the hallway's bright light. I frowned, slowly chewing the piece I had already bitten and stretched my arm to offer him the rest. He chuckled and sat next to me, taking the pizza by the crust and biting it. I smiled as we chewed together.

"It's good, right?" I exclaimed.

"Very good." He put the pizza down in the box and wiped his hand on his pants.

"You came to rescue me from the bad, scary ghost?" I said, my eyes barely staying opened.

"Well, you called me. But you're the one with the priest friend." He pushed my shoulder with his making my eyes opened. "Mhm?"

"That's right." I said, opening my eyes and drifting my gaze to find once again my room card. I pushed the pizza box off my laps and on the floor and replaced it with my purse. Aggressively searching for the card. I got annoyed easily when I drank.

"Here." Jamie said, grabbing my purse and looking into it. Seconds later, he lifted the card from my purse and smiled. "Come on." He exhaled as he stood on his feet and stretched his arms for me to take. He helped lifting me off the floor and handed me my purse back. He swiped the card in front of the magnetic black box and the door unlocked. Jamie opened it and let me go through first. I squealed, excited to be in my room.

"I'm leaving your card on the table." Jamie stated as I let myself fall onto the bed.

"Okay." I exhaled. "Wanna hang out?" He chuckled to my absurd question. "Was that a yes or a no?"

"It's five in the morning."


He took one of the glass that was displayed and filled it with water. He came back from the bathroom and walked to the bed. He placed it by the nightstand and sat next to me.

"Drink water." He ordered.

"That's what Julia said!" I pointed out in a way more exciting tone than I should have.

"Drink." He insisted, making me rolled my eyes and took a sip of water, dripping some of it on my shirt.

"Happy?" I sarcastically asked. He nodded, a small smile creeping at the corner of his lips. I met his eyes, a shiver travelled all the way down my back. His moonlight blue-grey eyes staring right back at me. "Can you stay?" I whispered, afraid of what would be his answer. He sighed but still kept his gaze onto me.

"I can't." He bit his bottom lip and I couldn't help myself but to drop down my eyes to it. Imagining things I could do. "I think you understand why I can't, right?"

"I know. I know." I sighed, deception could clearly be heard in my tone. I laid down the rest of my body on the bed, making him stood up to give me the space. I turned on my side and he bent so we could be at the same eye-level.

"If the ghost comes back, tell him this," he pointed to the glass of water on the nightstand. "This is holy water. He will run for his life and you'll be saved."

"You're weird, Jamie." I mumbled, my eyes closed and my mind ready to go to sleep. "I like that."

I had repeated the same words I had texted him earlier this month. I had already fallen asleep when he decided to spoke up. I never knew if I had dreamt it but I sensed him pull a few strands of my bangs away from my face.

"I would chase ghosts for you every night."

Stage 16 - JAMIE FLATTERSWhere stories live. Discover now