29: I don't want to talk about it

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"Barbie? Why're you here? I told you to go straight at home, right?" Dad scolded as soon as he sees me barge into the studio where in the whole band was taking a break.

"Seriously? Like I'm expecting you to be home already"

Despite of getting a little shocked at my arrival, Dad still smiled at me and he even tucked the fallen strands of my hair behind my ear. So sweet.

"Who took you here then?"

"Mom's fiancé" I said without an expression and waited for his reaction. "Tommy Lee. You know him, don't you?"

That's right, Tommy drove for me tonight and he is crazy enough to suggest that he should take me here because I would be alone if he would take me straightly to my father's mansion.

"Hi Barbie!" Ron Thal greeted me with a smile, unintentionally cutting off our conversation.

"Hello Ron!" I smiled back to him and the next one I saw was Richard who was settling down his guitar on the rack. He arched an eyebrow at me and I just glared back at my father.

"Of course I know that guy" Dad answered before cussing under his breath and mumbling some words that I can't even understand. "What about your Mom? She let that guy drive for you?"

"Dad, he's just fine. Not really harmful. Besides, Mom said she doesn't feel good enough to drive"

"Well, you got to go home right now. I have to stay here till 3 a.m." Dad diverted the topic, glaring down at his golden wrist watch.

"Yeah right" I crossed my arms with my sneering reaction. "Dad, why don't you just let me stay?"

"Maybe I could drop her off" the gifted musician suggested and my eyes widened in surprise and terror. "I'm not staying here any longer"

What was he thinking?

Dad gave him a smile of approval. Just shows how much he trusts Richard. "Great idea! Thanks Richard. Take good care of my lil' princess"

"But D-Dad . . ." I could hardly speak no matter how much I wanted to object.

"You need to rest, love. Tomorrow's a big day" Dad kissed me on the cheek before leaving me standing by the entrance of the studio.

The gifted musician who has taken away my virginity passed by me, brushing his arm against mine as he exit the studio. "You heard your Dad, don't you?" his precious, golden voice erupted through the silence.

I slowly turned around to face him, feeling my long hair tumble against my back. His face was completely serious as usual and of course, his straight, dark bangs falls down his ivory cheeks.

I tried to act normal despite of the fact that I was losing in those raven eyes again. "Okay" I said blankly, following him outside.

My lips seemed to be glued when I sat into his car, a few inches away from him. I threw my black hoodie over my head as I start counting each seconds he doesn't start the car.

"What happened? Cat got your tongue?" he snorted. His serious tone is now filled with amusement. Now he's waiting for me to talk to him.

"Do we have anything important to talk about? Just take me home"

"You never want to be alone in there" he said teasingly before doing an evil laugh.

I looked out of the window so that I could keep my eyes away from him. "Well I'd rather be" I mumbled to myself.

"Why do we have to act like we never know each other?"

"Like we're that close?" for the first time, I've had the courage to answer the gifted musician sarcastically.

"Yeah, we are close enough but it's just so hard to get in touch with you. There are too many things to consider" at the corner of my eye, I noticed him smiling to himself. "So we always have to pretend like this. Like we never had a thing for one another, right?"

Here we go again with this fucking conversation.  .  .

"Yeah, that's right because it doesn't matter anymore"

"But you should have anticipated that I lied. You know I feel the same for you"

I was forced to face him with a pained expression. "Didn't you had enough? Isn't it enough to use me? Hurt me? Why would you have to remind me? Does it really matter?"

"Because I don't want you to hate me like this" he said softly. "I didn't mean everything I said"

"You're fucking crazy Richard!" I never want to cry but I just can't help myself.

"I'm sorry" his expression turned soft. He furrowed his eyebrows. I looked at him, no doubt, he's still, and will always be beautiful in my eyes. But he's like a flame, and I'm like a moth that gets myself burned whenever I get close to him.

"I don't want to talk about it . . ." my voice almost faded away, I really regret what I said.

"If that's what you wanted so. Then fine" he finally gave up.

It went silent again, I know he wanted to explain himself but I just don't want to hear it. I don't want my foolish heart to open up my old feelings for this guy. I never wanted to remember everything he did and said to me! It breaks my heart! He makes me feel worthless and he never appreciated me.

* * *

Back to Malibu, California . .  .

"You don't have to do this" I said under my breath when he followed me to my room, carrying all my stuffs.

He just laid the suitcase and the box on the floor before glaring at me. "It's not a big deal"

Without even answering him, I took off my hoodie and my shoes to flop down my bed, burying my face into the purple pillow that made me feel safe and secured. I could hear the door close but I can still sense the gifted musician's presence. His dark, mysterious aura bothers my senses.

"I promised Axl to take care of his Lil' Princess" Richard said softly as he sit over my bed and I shifted myself to turn away from him.

"I don't need you. Just go away!" I exclaimed as the pain got me bursting into tears. But deep inside my mind burns in wonder if he's trying to make it up to me or more likely, he just want to take advantage of me again.

He tucked me underneath the blanket as his hands gently stroke my hair. "I won't, as long as you're crying"

His gentle touch made me sleepy but it makes my tears stream down my cheeks even more. Squeezing my eyes close, I pretended that he wasn't here, watching over me and just let myself drift off to sleep. He will be gone after a while for sure.

I'm not going to be a fool for love again.

Author's Note:

A chapter inspired by Rod Stewart's song, "I don't wanna talk about it", one of the most beautiful songs ever.

He dared to confess but she really doesn't want to hear his words.
Tough girl, Barbie! Some explanations aren't worth hearing ;)

Short chapter guys, I guess you deserve something much better so get ready for the next one! It's going to be a bit longer than this one.

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