Author's Very Important Note

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To those who supported and read this story eversince Book 1, thank you very much! Especially to my favorite gals who are always at the comment box, leaving feedbacks that inspires me to write more. I love you! Wish you all a good health and may the good Lord Bless you. :)

This story is loaded with my admiration for rockstars and all of my twisted fantasies. I'm thankful for having someone like you to appreciate it somehow 💕💕

Sorry for giving you the worst Epilogue ever. You can message me for some parts that aren't clear or really confusing. I'm fixing this story, especially the ending during my next Summer Vacation.

Today is my last chance to finish this book because I'm going back to school on Monday the 13th. You know, I'm an Engineering student. A very busy one and I'll never have time to check on my Wattpad.

By the way for those who doesn't know, I've already started another GN'R series(different stories and characters of course) The first book is completed, kindly read Book 1: Rhythm of the Heart.

Next to it is called, Book 2: Bad Obsession, sad to say it'll be published next vacation as well because I wouldn't be able to work on it.

Same goes to my beautiful Black Veil Brides fanfictions. Gosh, I've been dying to share them to all of you! :'( But I got no choice but to abort all my plans for now XD

Have to deal with number again instead of writing.

Thanks again. Love you all! Till my next break!


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