32: The Rich Kid's Family

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Peter took me to his place. A luxury residential community located near the Malibu beach. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The night breeze was refreshing and the sound of birds and sea waves could be heard from the distance.

"Remember. Do your best to please them" Peter reminded me.

I suddenly felt self-conscious. I always loved my look, I've been always proud of who I am and where I've came from. But whom I'm about to face right now are person from a different level. I mean I'm afraid they might judge me or let's just simply say that they're may not be pleased by the fact that my father's a world famous rockstar.

It's just so hard. . .

Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Besides, Peter won't actually drag me here if his parents will not find me acceptable right?

"Peter! Peter!" I heard a chorus of tiny voices as a pair of identical girls run towards Peter to hug him. My heart melted. They are twins! And they're too cute with their curly hairs pulled into pigtails.

"Hey there Audrey, hey Cindy" Peter greeted back the twins before looking at me. "These are my lovely sisters"

"Yeah I see" I nodded as I smile down at the Audrey and Cindy.

A tall lady in mid forties with wavy blonde hair came in to call the twins. Her hourglass figure was pretty visible due to the red long-sleeved dress she's wearing. Beside her is a man of the same age dressed in tuxedo. I assumed they were Peter's parents.

"Girls, get your school works done" the lady ordered and the twins immediately exited the room.

This time, the couple's gazes landed on me and Peter.

"My son brought a guest" the father commented with a very friendly smile. Unlike the mother, her face was dead serious as she observes me.

"Who's your friend?" she spoke again with her sexy British accent. The next thing I noticed are her dangling ruby earrings that matches the ring on her finger.

Peter held my hand as he begin to inroduce me. "Mum, Dad. This is Barbara Rose. My girlfriend"

I was shocked. Did he just said I'm his girlfriend?

"I'm Harriet Vaughan Bradley, this is my husband, Kyle" Peter's mother kept her serious facial expression to me. "Please to meet you young lady"

So Peter's middle name was Vaughan.
Ooh, that's cool.

I slapped myself mentally, holding back a smile. Focus Barbie, focus!

"Please to meet you too" I gave them my sweetest smile.

"So you are Barbara. My son has been talking about you lately. You're far more different from whom I'm expecting" she then glared back to Peter.

When she said different I really can't tell if that positive or negative.

"Peter, my precious one. Will you please show her around the house. Your father and I are getting back to business. Dinner is all ready for you by the way"

"Okay, okay. Good bye" Peter said in a tone that shows he's quite getting sick of his parents leaving the house everyday. I know how he feels. My Dad has been a worse workaholic than this couple.

"Good Luck, son" his father patted him on the shoulder while his mother gave him a kiss on the cheek. His reaction was priceless, I want to laugh at him. The couple has finally left and the suffocating atmosphere of awkwardness was gone.

"I think your mother doesn't like me" I smirked at Peter after realizing that his mother is a bitch in disguise.

"She's just jelous. Because I'm the apple of her eye" Peter shook his head. "Aren't you starving? Let's get some dinner"

"No thanks, I'm not really hungry"

"Come on, don't be ridiculous. You're not refusing any of my offer as long as you're in my house" he held my wrist, dragging me down to a long hallway.

If Peter was a girl, he could be a spoiled brat. No wonder he rules this house especially now that his parents aren't around. There were various picture frames hanging at the walls of the hallway and the most beautiful and the biggest one is their family portrait.

I stopped just to see the rest of his family members. Needless to say, they were all gorgeous fair-haired creatures. There's his parents, Peter, the twins and a boy who is probably seven years of age. His eyes are baby-blues and his smile was bright. I haven't seen him around the house. He looks so much like Peter.

"Pete, who's this kid?"

"That's little Felix, the youngest. He loves to be all alone in his room, painting or studying. He's undeniably too smart for his age"

"What about the twins? They look really adorable"

"Those sisters of mine are musically inclined just like me, Audrey plays piano and Cindy plays violin"

"I love music as well" I replied, facing at Peter. "I play guitar and I can sing"

"Not a surprise. Your father is a rockstar. But if you don't mind, I want to hear you sing sometime" he winked at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"No way!"

* * *

"Now this is ridiculous" I was totally amused when I saw the various dishes of vegetables and fruits served on the table. "You're a herbivore"

"We are vegetarian, you nuts" Peter laughed at the term I used. He knows I was just kidding but of course, he wouldn't want to miss the chance of arguing me.

I pulled a seat next to his, moving the chair a little bit so that there would be no distance in between us.

"Hey, you're too close" he smirked. "Don't be obvious"

I pursed my lips, feeling myself blushing infront of him again. "What do you mean?"

"You like being too close to me"

"Yeah. I do" my eyes automatically looked away when I said that. "Got a problem?"

"If you want me to be honest, then I have to admit that I actually like it"


Almost there Barbie!

That's all for this chapter. Next one's coming up!

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