4: My Home's In Your Arms

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The plane has finally landed on California. But I still feel like I'm a melting jello after suffering from plane sickness.

"Sweetie, we're almost there" my mother said as we get out of the plane, walking down the staircase with my arms wrapped around myself. It's so fucking cold. But I could sense the Christmas spirit in the air.

I still can't believe that I'm already in U.S.A. again, a thousand of miles away from Finland. It's been ten years ago eversince I left this place. The people around me stopped a little bit as we pass by. Of course, my mother's famous supermodel… duh…

"Let me help Ma'am" a man in tuxedo took my luggages into a limousine that was waiting for us.

While we were in the limousine, I did my best to avoid a conversation with my mother. I stucked my earphones into my ear and played a loud Slipknot song from my IPod while munching a bag of M&Ms. At the corner of my eye, I know that she's observing me.

"You want some?" I offered her the bag of M&Ms to her.

She shook her head with her half smile. I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze out of the window.


After a while, my IPod ran out of battery charge so I decided to turn it off. I rubbed my temples and I could hear my mother babbling continously at the phone. The next view that caught my eye, is the snow all over the distant seashore of Malibu. It looked really beautiful. But a couple of childhood memories flooded in my mind when I saw the familiar white mansion.

This is home?

We stepped out of the limousine, entering the place I used to call home. I stopped by the doorway to the lounge room, looking around. The pure white walls, religious artifacts all around and the picture frames, displaying a lot of memories.


I used to play here when I was just a little girl. My long, hair swayed as I twirl around, meeting the face of a gorgeous, redhead guy who was watching me. I was his little princess… he's Axl Rose, my Dad…

"Hello, sweetheart" his deep, husky voice, I missed him.


"Barbara, are you alright?" my mother snapped me out of my thoughts.

"This place…" my voice trailed off.

"It's our home, my dear"

"But where is he?" I continued. My eyes scanned through the old pictures of my parents during their early years. Some long-haired guys, a bunch of groupies, concert pictures, awarding events, my mother's modeling shoots as well as their wedding day were in the wooden frames.

"He's coming tonight" my mother answered. "Let's go get you something to eat my dear"

This is not home without my Dad…

"No, I just want to be alone for a while"

She sighed, feeling totally frustrated because she failed to entertain me from the very start.

"Louis" she called the youngest among the housemaids. "Take my daughter upstairs"

The Latin housemaid approached me with a shy smile. "Hello Madam…?"

"Just call me Barbie" I answered.

Louis carried my luggages and accompanied me upstairs that lead to a long hallway with windows underneath the scarlet curtains. She opened the door next to master's bedroom.

"Here you go" she said again with her sweet voice.

"Thank you Louis, I can handle this now"

Once she was away, I locked myself into the room and started unpacking my stuffs, keeping my clothes into the walk-in closet, setting my makeup set over the dresser infront of the mirror, keeping my boots and heels of various styles and of course pinning rockbands posters on to the white walls. Who can stop me now? This room is all mine, I'll do whatever I wanted. I'm even planning to go shopping to find more goth stuffs, this place is too bright. Now that everything's in place, I took off my winter garments and got dressed into a much comfortable one, a lacey nightgown. Then, I went underneath the thick blanket to go to sleep.


"Don't do that, she might not recognize you" a muffled voice from the door disturbed me.

"Of course she knows me"

"Shh… she is sleeping"

It was already dark, probably eleven p.m. and these people were bothering me. I got off the bed stumbling to the door and slammed it open. I scowled at my mother who was standing by the doorway beside…

A man with blond hair that was done in rows of tiny braids, pulled into a pony tail. He is in a leather jacket and when I met those familiar, gray eyes, I gasped, throwing my hands on my mouth. He had changed a lot…

He smiled. "Is that my sweet, little girl?"


I smiled awkwardly. He stepped towards me and I slightly flinched when he brushed a few strands of my hair off my face.

Then, he laughed a little bit at my reaction. "As beautiful as your mother and as shy as her"

I don't know why, but I really blushed, keeping my gaze down the floor. I used to be rude, wild and confident. But now, I really feel nervous under his stare.

"What's your name again?"

"It's Barbara" I muttered but I still managed to smile. "But I'd rather be called Barbie"

He sighed. "How could I ever forgot the name of the most important girl in my life? Do you know me?"

"Yeah… you're my father?" I shrugged, quite unsure about what I've said.

My mother went beside him, holding on to his arm. "Yes, sweetie, he's William Axl Rose, your Dad"

"Nice to meet you" I muttered, giving him my best innocent look. "I… I've waited for years to meet you"

"Come here" he pulled me into an embrace that sent my heart to overdrive. "I'm so sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry about Dad" I hugged him back, making him feel that I was still his little girl. For so many years, he should be the man who protected me and comforted me when I was still a disturbed little girl.

I gave my mother a devious look as she stood behind my Dad. She narrowed her eyes, feeling the bad gut in my evil stare.

"Look at you" he glared down at me. "You've already grown up"

I pouted my lips. "Nah… I'm still your little princess"

He laughed again, "Aww, that's cute. Of course you'll always be"

Then, he turned to Mom who seemed to be upset, facing against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Hey Crystal, you alright?" he tapped her shoulder and she turned to us.

"I… was just tired" she did a forced smile.

"I think you girls should take a rest for now, I got to leave"

"Your going to leave again?" I whined. I just wanted him to be here!

"We'll be going out tomorrow so better go to sleep now" my Dad said and I nodded with a sad face.

"Barbie, don't be sad. Good Night" he pinched me on the cheek and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling.

"Good Night Dad" I kissed him on the cheek before getting back into my room. Oh, did I forgot about my mother?

I laughed internally. My Mom's gonna regret that she brought me here. I'll ruin everything I could.


The show had started. Crystal could sense a bad gut feom his daughter. This chapter's title was from HIM's song 'In Joy and Sorrow'. Any feedback guys?

Book 2: Young N' Wild(Guns N' Roses Fanfiction)✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt