27: Gettin' high with the Terror Twins

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"What're you talking about? You scumbag!" I growled, trying to shrug off the tension I'm feeling right now. I don't care where am I or who owns this place I'll show what kind of beast I am when I'm mad.

Tommy just laughed at me as he pat me on the head. "Chill Barbie. I just said that for him to show up"

"I'm going home" I insisted.

"Why? Don't tell me you're scared of Nikki Sixx"

"Of course not! I don't even know him"

"Prove me"

"Hell no!" I was yelling and tugging his shirt repeatedly. "Take me home! Now!"

"Not now" he rolled his eyes before leaving me standing at the entrance.

We have been arguing there for minutes. The place still showed no signs of people in here aside from us.

"The house is on fire Nikki!" Tommy yelled again before flopping down on to a beanie bag as if he's in his own home. Finally, the  loud metal music suddenly stopped playing. I glared down at Tommy as I start to panic.

"Shh. . ." he placed a finger on his lip.

"Wait hun, a motherfucker just broke into my house" Nikki finally showed up from the hallway with a phone in his hand. Not surprise by his look. His pitch-black hair was wildly teased, he's got a beard on his chin and sure, he got charms but he's too old for me.

"I brought you someone" Tommy jerked his head at my direction. This guy is crazy, he's offering me to his bandmates as if I was a whore.

"Crystal Watson's sister? I guess"

"My mom never had a sister" I insisted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Idiot. That girl is her daughter" Tommy said from his seat.

"What the fuck do mean? Your fiancee has a kid?" Nikki eyed me up and down. "Yeah. I see. She even got momma's body"

"And not just an ordinary one. She's Axl Rose's kid" Tommy said that with a laugh. I don't know what he's up to but his voice still contain the amusement he showed me during the first time he mentioned Dad's name.

"Oh! Axl! Your father and I we're good friends" Nikki walked towards me, raising an eyebrow. "What's your name beautiful lady?"

I highly doubt it.

"Barbie" I tried my best to sound nice and I'm surprised when Nikki threw an arm around my shoulder. I can't help but awkwardly stare down the floor for my heart began hammering against my chest.  But of course, I'm playing cool.

"I'm pretty sure we'll be good friends as well"

"Not bad" was all I could say.

I was expecting that I'd be dead right now but as soon as Nikki started telling stories about him, I felt a bit safer. He just spent like hours talking about how famous, glorious and popular he was as the bassist of Mötley Crüe. Like duh. . . he was just exaggerating everything about himself.  Then he talked about his tours, his concerts, all the women he had fucked and dated and etc. In the middle of his talks and stories, he offered me something that burned out my curiosity.

* * *

Time seemed to be in fast-forward, my pulse is raising but I feel totally light, happy but really alert. All I could remember is I've taken a few puffs from the hand-rolled cigarette that the guys gave me and things were like, boom! I was happy! Alive and I could fly anytime. Don't know if I'm on a high or what, but it just feels so fucking right, no worries, no depression.

"Yo Barbie, what's wrong with the eyes?" I could hear Nikki snickering beside me.

I just let out an uncontrollable giggle. "Why? What's wrong? Why are you laughing ?"

"You got bloodshot eyes!" Tommy laughed maniacally. "She's damn high Nikki"

Before I could even know, I got up from my seat as the bright colors began to pop out into my sight.

"Ooh. Where are we?" I could barely open my eyes and I was giggling occasionally. I see bright colors! The world has never been so colorful like this!


I spun myself around as I feel the joy running through my veins. I just spin and spin till I lost balance, falling on the floor with a loud thud.

"Hey! Are you alright?" the voice went distant like an echo. "That probably hurts"

The Lord has forgiven me, I'm in heaven!

* * *

Morning came .   .  .

There was a buzz, a fucking buzz and then another buzz erupting from the pocket of my jeans. My eyes plopped open and I suddenly feel so energetic. But then, a rush of panic and palpitation attacked me when I realized I was in an unfamiliar bedroom.

Nikki fucked me!

But hey no, I'm still in my clothes last night. So he didn't really touched me. That's a miracle. Anyway, I just carelessly shoved out my phone from my pocket and there were ten missed calls from Dad. Fuck, I was so chill last night that I've forgot about him.

"Rise and shine!" my gaze shifted to the door when I heard Tommy. He was smiling again like the maniac he was.

I shook my head as I began to get amused by the way he reminded me of how high I was last night. I have to admit that I've had real fun with them. "That was great" I stretched out my arms as I get up to fix myself. No time to take a bath and I'm not even bringing extra clothes to change.

"My goodness! There you are!"

My eyes widened in terror when Mom suddenly appeared beside Tommy. Her hands were on her hips and her smokey eyes were giving me a death glare.

"M-mom? You're here?" I stuttered. Oh my God, does she knows already?

"I've been worried sick about you Barbara! I thought you ran away!"

Tommy rolled his eyes as he give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Aw baby, stop overreacting. She's just here with Nikki and I the whole night"

Yeah right. So innocent.

My mom gazed upon Tommy as if she's about to scold him as well. "And you didn't even told me you took her with you"

He shook his shoulders. "You're sleeping"

"Aw come on, I'm alright!" I jumped off the bed, running towards Mom to embrace her. Hope that would light up her mood.

Author's Note:

I really love Tommy Lee :D He drives me crazy not matter how old he was in this book.

Too fast, too summarized. That's to get rid of the unnecessary things that will make this chapter longer and boring. I know you were expecting something dirty will happen while the evil princess is on a high. But come on, that's not the best idea ever. Plus, Barbara was a minor. We all know that.

Tell me what ya thinkin'. . .

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Your sick author (Chanel_La_Rose)

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