Meet the Cast!(Bios)

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Alright, so going in, I know that not everyone will be familiar with every character on this list. Below are some(pretty long) bios to help you get to know more about each cast member if you aren't! Or if you are, and you like to read bios like me, they're here for you to read! Included also is each contestant's motivation for entering and wanting to win!

*SPOILER WARNING*: There are spoilers for some of the events that transpired in their respective franchises to help catch readers up with references that may be made from past events during the story. You have been warned.

The Cast:

Josef "Vert" Wheeler

Title: Acceleracer

Origin: Hot Wheels World Race & Acceleracers

Age: 18

Bio: A prominent skateboarder and surfer, Vert's whole life changed not too long after he got his driver's license. When he got home, he found what he would describe as an awesome ride, the Deora II. It was given by Dr. Peter Tezla, who gave it to him for the purpose of competing in a World Race, a racing competition that took place in another dimension. Though the dangers wouldn't just come from the track. The evil Gelorum and her CLYP drones wanted the Wheel of Power, a source of nearly infinite power and was what Tezla ultimately wanted. He led his team, the Wave Rippers to victory at 16 for a $5 million prize each(though he gave his away to Kadeem, one of the other racers, so he could use it to help his people back home). And at 18, now part of the street racing team the Teku, returned to race for Tezla in the Racing Realms, to stop Gelorum and her newer and stronger Racing Drones again. Although his overconfidence can and has gotten in the way of him winning and listening to advice at times, after defeating Gelorum in the Ultimate Race, he is considered to be a true Acceleracer and is one of the best, if not the best racer in the world. Now he enters the TDI 0competition not only to have fun, but to prove he can be the best not just on the track, but off it too.

Reimu Hakurei

Title: Hakurei Shrine Maiden

Origin: Touhou Project

Age: ?(A/N: Her exact age isn't specified in the games. But she's older than she actually appears, since she drinks. If anyone can confirm the age, please let me know, your help would be greatly appreciated)

Bio: A shrine maiden and an incident resolver in Gensokyo, she manages the Hakurei Border and exterminates youkai, spiritual beings from Japanese folklore. Although she truly wishes for peace between humans and youkai. While lazy at times, she'll always put her duties as Shine Maiden before her desires, even if it distances herself from most others. Though her reliability and nobility hasn't exactly allowed her to make a living from her occupation. She never seems to receive any donations despite doing more than the Moriya Shrine and Myouren Temple, who are also supposed to resolve incidents. While she gets along well with most of the people, she wants to be able to explore, and do something new than what she usually does in the shrine. While initially planning on passing on the opportunity, believing it to be a waste of time, after reading that there was a monetary prize, she became interested and accepted, believing that this was an opportunity that she could not afford to pass up on. She believed she can not only use it as a way to turn her fortune around, but to also explore, relax and improve the reputation of her shrine.


Origin: Ed, Edd n Eddy

Title: Lovable Oaf(by Edd)

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