Castle of Destiny Part 3

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A/N: The third and final part of this four-way finale! Note that this is the last chapter of the season. If you've made it this far, I want to thank you for reading up to this point. Now, on with the finale!

Contestants Remaining:


Luz(Owl House)

Marinette(Miraculous Ladybug)

Edward Falcon(Power Stone)

"Welcome back everyone! Our final four are on the third stage of the castle and a faced with a big problem! Literally!" Chris said.

"What a massive enemy! But it's not unstoppable. Aim for its head!" The Power Stone 2 announcer said.

Stage 3: Defeat the Pharoah Walker Boss in under 2 minutes(Power Stone 2)

Power Stone 2 OST Pharoah Walker Plays

"Let the battle begin! Go!"

"Under two minutes? How are they supposed to defeat that in that little amount of time?" Brandy said.

"It said aim for its head! Weren't you listening earlier?" Rigby said.

"Yeah I heard that, but not all of them are fighters or have anything to really protect themselves with." Brandy said.

"If the head is its weakness, all they have to do is aim for that and it'll go down quickly. It's just like a video game. See? It even has health." Ben10 said as the Pharoah Walker's large health bat was seen at the bottom of the screen.

"That's easier said than done. It's obviously not gonna just let them hit it." Richie said. On cue, as Huey was trying to strike its legs it jumped in the air to not only turn, but it also sent shockwaves across the ground, stunning all four of them.

The masked men inside the four legs then shot purple electric energy spheres from their forked trident-like scepters, each sphere homing in on the closest person to them.

Huey was the first one to break free from the stun, dodging the eneryo-gy sphere. After the others broke out, they were able to dodge the spheres as well. But Falcon, being the closest to his head, was suddenly hit by its tongue with it grabbing him before sending him flying back, hitting his back up against a barrier. That was invisible. While it stopped him from completely falling off the arena, it felt like he hit a wall in full force, with his back feeling the brunt of it as he fell to the ground right afterwards, unable to get up.

Marinette pulled on one of the legs with her yo-yo. Though the results weren't what she expected. It caused some damage, but it wasn't enough to pull it down to the ground. The Walker crouched down to the ground very low.

"I think it's getting ready to do some kind of attack!" Luz said.

"Get ready to jump!" Marinette said.

"Jump? I'm having trouble standing." Falcon said, trying to activate his stone to no avail as for some odd reason it wasn't working.

The Walker then spun around, damaging Falcon only as the others were able to time their jumps to avoid the attack. It then stood back up in its normal position, moving around a bit, although it was very slow.

"Something's wrong. I'm trying to transform but I can't." Falcon said, holding out his red stone.

"That is strange. Why can't he use his stone?" Ryoma said.

"Maybe he used it too much? Timed out like the watch." Ben10 guessed.

"I don't think so. Reverting from overuse shouldn't be possible." Ryoma said, a finger now on his chin. "But what do I know? I could be completely wrong."

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