Story Update: Time for a Poll!

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a quick update on the story. I plan on the next chapter being out sometime today or tomorrow if possible. But, the purpose of this is to let all of you know that I am running a poll on who your top 5 favorite characters are so far. This poll includes all characters that have currently competed on the show including those who have been eliminated. There are no right or wrong answers, and again, if you chose someone that's eliminated, that's fine too! There is also a choice of "no favorite". Choose this if you really don't have a favorite, or if you don't have a favorite in the story yet. It could be because it's too early, etc. All of that's fine! Please be honest in your selections!

The reason why I am asking this is because this will be used in a future chapter. How and what it will be used for I can't say. Which is why the poll will also be blind until it is closed. You'll find out once the chapter is out, which is also more than likely when the poll will close. And if you're a guest or on AO3, let me know in the comments section who your top 5 are. The results from all sites will be added together to make one whole final results.

Thank you for your help and I'll see you all on the next chapter!

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