Camper Season Part 4

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"Last time on Total Drama Island Multiverse Edition! The Lions were up in the hunt! And while some battles were more hilarious than others, some were pretty friendly!" Chris narrated.

Past footage of Leshawna and Rocket fighting, Bugs and Ben fighting along with Rocket and Leshawna giving mutual respect at the end along with Mabel shaking hands with Jerry were shown.

"In the end, all that matters was that more Lions survived than the Phoenixes and will have an advantage in the next part of the challenge! And this next part, is for all the marbles! Which means, someone's goin' home tonight."

"Who will win this next part? And what's the special reward for the top 16 hunters? Find out on Total... Drama... Island! Multiverse Edition!"

*TDI: MV Intro Plays*

The contestants were in the forest in front of a rocky formation with several ledges. However, to get there, they had to step on the several colorful mattresses.

"Campers! The next part of your challenge is a race to the finish line!" Chris said. As he was explaining the challenge, Jerry was on top of Mabels head and was showing her a picture of Tom that he drew, which made him have his tongue sticking out as his arms were folded, as he actually was now, listening to what Chris was explaining. Minus the tongue sticking out. He also had on a hat and a long goatee.

This caused Mabel to laugh.

"This first part is a rock climbing adventure! Each team will form a human ladder composed of the team members that weren't captured in the first part of the challenge! The person on top of the ladder will be the one that represents their team for the rest of the race! If the ladder can't reach the top of the cliff, then the camper that's on top will have to grab onto a ledge and climb the rest of the way. And there lies the advantage for the Lions! Because they have a number advantage, they'll be able to create a taller ladder compared to the Phoenixes, making the climbing part of the race a whole lot easier." Chris explained.

"So that's what the mattresses are for. It's to catch us if we fall on the climbing or the ladder. Gee, I never knew you to really care for our safety that much Chris." Courtney said, genuinely a little surprised.

"Yeah. But it's more of I don't want to get sued and fired. Plus, if you all die or get injured here, there will be no one left to compete." Chris said.

"Now then, once you get to the top, head to the starting line! You'll have to sprint to the finish! But it won't be that simple! There will be several walls of varying heights that you'll have to climb over." Chris said as the camera shows the wooden walls with ropes. "But, the pressure will be on, not just from your opponent, but from Chef! He will be waiting for you in a bulldozer and will be chasing you! Just like in the Streets of Rage 3 video game! An unused final challenge should there have been a 3-3 game in the last challenge." Chris said, showing said game. "If he catches you, you lose the challenge automatically! If he catches both of you, the two contestants will be in a sudden death challenge!" Chris said.

"Now, because some of you here are starting to get restless, I'm setting a time limit for this challenge! You will have 30 minutes to get to the end! If no one reaches the end and both contestants aren't caught, then the person that has the most progress will win the challenge for their team! And by the way, unlike the last part of the challenge, you will not be able to use any of your abilities!"

"The winning team gets to enjoy invincibility, and like the last time this hunting challenge was presented, a table that has each contestant's favorite foods! Plus, you'll get to view tonight's elimination ceremony! The losing team will be cleaning out the confessional! And they'll be sending someone home! Happy climbing!"

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