A Whole New Ball Game

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The Merger is here! What will the first challenge be? Find out now!


G-Man 2.0: Still sucks that Ash came up short though. Pretty crazy that both he and Ippo come up short of the merger similar to what's happened in their respective shows. Sendo's not gonna like the fact that Ippo lost here at all lol.

Ginrai12: Honestly, when I first started writing this I expected Rally to be a merger character. She got pretty darn close though. Though the focus thing was an idea that was inspired by what I read in the manga. She's a great shot but she never figured out a way to really stay focused IN pain. I haven't gotten that far yet, but I'd imagine that she overcomes that obstacle.

Also, expect Shaxx to be back for two more challenges next season. One of them focusing on the more chaotic 6v6 modes like Mayhem(Keep Rocky and Minnie May away from this mode at all costs lol. Though I'd imagine Shaxx would love it. Megumin's an honorable mention too)

Some dude: If that's the case, he might thrive in these next few challenges.

Also, just a thought, but a season with him, Riley and Hiruma would be unhinged lol.

Contestants Remaining: Fred Jones, Shaggy & Scooby, Daphne,Huey, Reimu,Richie, Virgil, Eddy, Dipper, Raphael, Leshawna, Lindsay,Luz, Anne, TD Heather

Hawkeye, Samurai Jack,Rigby, Spongebob, Lance,Edward Falcon, Mandy and Grim, Marinette, Dax, Beast Boy and Cyborg, Heather Chandler, Peter Parker,Gary, Dan Hibiki, Vicky, Dan Kuso, Sokka, Zoey

Eliminated(By Order of Elimination and Placement):

1. Noah(Soaring Phoenixes)-Total Drama(76th)
2. Patrick Star(Soaring Phoenixes)-Spongebob Squarepants(75th)
3. Jake Long(Fighting Lions)- American Dragon, Jake Long(74th)
4. Edd(Fighting Lions)- Ed, Edd n Eddy(73rd)
5. Courtney(Soaring Phoenixes)- Total Drama(72nd)
6. Juniper Lee(Soaring Phoenixes)- Life and Times of Juniper Lee(71st)
7. Azula & Ty Lee(Fighting Lions)- Avatar: The Last Airbender(70th)
8. Squidward(Fighting Lions)-Spongebob Squarepants(69th)

9. Beyal & Jinja(Soaring Phoenixes)- Monsuno(68th)

10. Harold (Soaring Phoenixes) -Total Drama(67th)

11. KO (Fighting Lions)-OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes(66th)

12. Izzy (Fighting Lions)- Total Drama(65th/64th)

13. Frank West (Fighting Lions)- Dead Rising(64th/65th)

14. Ryoma (Fighting Lions)- Power Stone(63rd) (Quit)

15. Chris Pearson (Soaring Phoenixes)- Dan VS(62nd)

16. Ed(Fighting Lions)- Ed Edd n Eddy(61st)

17. Billy(Soaring Phoenixes)- Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy(60th)

18. Mac and Bloo(Soaring Phoenixes)-Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends(59th/58th)

19. Bridgette and Geoff(Soaring Phoenixes)- Total Drama(58th/59th)

20. Misty(Fighting Lions)- Pokemon(57th)

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