Chapter Seven

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Aubrey was thrown so violently forward that she didn't even have the chance to breathe.

She braced herself in the mini second before she hit the opposite wall for the impact but it never came.

Instead she found herself lying on the cool hard floor with Declan kneeling in front of her. She must have blanked out that was the only logical explanation.

He placed his hand on her cheeks his eyes flashing worry,"Stay with me cupcake, you're going to be all right."

But Aubrey's vision already darkening. It was odd she didn't feel anything really. She felt like a ghost swimming in darkness and numbness.

Declan moved away from her. Aubrey could still hear him though,"You need to heal her, now!"

It was a girl who spoke next and her voice was cold and unattached yet oddly familiar,"We should let her die now, then maybe everything would be all right."

"Don't you dare." Declan roared,"You're anyways suicidal trying to pull of what you're trying to-" his voice broke and then he said in a hoarse whisper,"Please tell me the explosion wasn't you."

The other voice remained quiet.

"Goddamn it Au-" his voice broke once again and he uttered a colorful string of four letter words,"Don't do this, don't go on this bullshit self sacrifice path."

"And you're not?" The girl yelled,"You're not acting like a damn martyr trying to free me from this goddamn curse? It's my damn curse stop trying to kill yourself over it.If you die.."

Her voice broke.

"I know." He said,"As of now we don't have a choice. I'm standing by the decisions I've made. And yes it's stupid but let's face it I'm selfish and I'd be damned before I let you do it. But I'm not having this conversation now. So drop it and for once save yourself and don't let me lose you before I've even had a chance to have you."

Aubrey felt a pair of light cool hands on her side. Aubrey couldn't see the owner properly but she could make out the startling shock of blue in the midst of black.

"I'm doing this for him." The girl above Aubrey whispered softly,"If it was up to me I would have snapped your neck myself because I couldn't kill you the first time."

"Believe in him." The girls voice was softer now and she might have been smiling,"Trust him even when he doesn't trust you."

And then Aubrey lost her grip on the hazy images she was seeing and the world faded away.

When Aubrey woke up the hallway was deserted. She pushed herself up slowly her eyes unblinking as she stared gape mouthed at the vending machine the stood unscathed..

She fumbled for her phone to check the time. It had barely been ten minutes.

What the actual hell.

She got up staring at the vending machine not taking her eyes of it. She slowly made her way towards it and stood in front of it.

Aubrey didn't know exactly what she was searching for but she didn't find anything. It looked perfectly normal.

Shit, Aubrey thought, addict or not she needed her damn pills.

A giggle resounded through the hallway and Aubrey nearly jumped through the roof. She breathed a soft sigh of relief as she saw it was only a freshman girl who was currently on the phone.

This was getting ridiculous.

Had she just dreamt about

Not that it was anything new but there was something that felt so real about it.

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