Chapter One

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Time is the only thing death cannot touch.

The last time the phone rang was the day that Aubrey's parents had died. For four years the phone booth had remained stationary with not a single sound from the ancient telephone placed inside, until that night.

For those four years Aubrey had tried her best to forget the haunting noise that ultimately lead to her parents death. In New York, it was easy to forget. In fact she had almost forgotten about it completely but now she was back and so were her nightmares and all the voices she heard.

And so was the boy.

Aubrey was up the minute she heard it ring. She had been having one of those dreams again, the ones that her parents used to blame on her over over active imagination. For a second she closed her eyes tightly hoping that the sound would just cease so that she could just tell herself that she had still hadn't woken up.

But it continued to ring.

Her aunt was out of course even though it was the middle of the night. She wanted to resent her aunt for ignoring her but even Aubrey knew that was asking too much. Her aunt didn't resent her, she just didn't know how to communicate with the seventeen year old that had been dumped her way when Aubrey's grandmother had died.

Her aunt used to be fun, the kind who would probably get you a fake ID or take you to a bar and give dating advice. But after Aubrey's parents death four years ago she had changed too.

After the accident her grandmother became her guardian and Aubrey vowed never to come back to this place but then destiny was a funny thing and when her grandmother died she was sent right back to Spade.

Her aunt did the best she could but Aubrey couldn't blame the fear she saw in her aunt's eyes everytime she glanced at Aubrey.

She knew what had really happened the night her parents died and all Aubrey could do was be grateful that she hadn't told anybody.


The Queen shall rise!

She shall reign!

Aubrey fumbled for her meds on the table beside her and quickly swallowed two in hopes to stop the voices but instead they became louder.


Her eyes once again fell to the phonebooth in the backyard and she bit her lip. It was an odd place to have phone booth Aubrey had to admit it, smack dab in the middle of her aunt's backyard. Her dad had always made jokes on how it was a direct way to the Ministry of Magic.


The tone was urgent and desperate as if it was almost calling out to her. She hesitated for a moment but then ran down the stairs as if her life depended on it.


She had to pick up the phone, for some reason a sudden urge of panic built up against her like a tidal wave forcing her feet forward and down the steep stairs.


She peeled through the cold night air and across the grass barefoot. She reached the phone both finally and got the door open.


"Hello?" Aubrey said breathlessly into the receiver.

There was static on the other end and for a second there was no response.

"Aubrey?" The voice belonged to a boy. She knew the voice, but she just didn't know from where.

"Aubrey, you have to run." He says frantically,"You can't meet-"

Just In TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang