Chapter Sixteen

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I tapped my knuckles against the front door, waiting a couple seconds for a voice, or at least movement from inside the apartment, but nothing happened. I knocked harder, huffing when there was once again nothing. I groaned, my forehead falling against the door as I kept knocking, getting harder and harder, not stopping and probably disturbing neighbours. 

"Alright, Alright, fucking break my door down will you" She yelled from her apartment, her voice sounding distant as she made her way towards the door. I took a step back just as the door opened, a gush of wind slapping me in the face. Her angry glare and deep frown immediately fell from her face the second her eyes fell on mine. 

"Ffion, my sweet, please come in" She said through grit teeth, stepping away from the door and back into her apartment. I snorted at her weird behaviour, stepping in and shutting the door behind her. I frowned as I watched her walk into her kitchen with a limp. 

"Those caramel lattes you like so much were on special so I bought a couple boxes" She called from the kitchen, not realising I was standing close enough to hear her tiny 'ow' as she got up on her tippy toes, grabbing two cups and two sachets. She turned around, yelping, surprised that I was right in front of her. 

"Not really in the mood to kiss you, Fifi" She joked, trying to walk around me, stopping when I caught her wrist, pulling her hand up to my face so I could inspect the broken skin over her knuckles. 

"What'd you do, Amelia?" I asked as she pulled her hand from me, shrugging as she turned to flick the kettle on. 

"I punched Ian" She replied bluntly, stating it as if it was just another day. I raised my hands in the air in shock. 

"You what?" 

"27 and already going deaf. What a tragedy" Amelia teased, bringing her hand to her heart, shaking her head in fake sorrow. 

"What do you mean you punched Ian?" I asked, still in shock at her actions and her la-de-da attitude. Amelia sighed, turning around and leaning back against her kitchen counter facing me. 

"When I called you the other day to ask how your date went and you told me what happened and the utter shit that came out of his mouth, you told me to forget about it and to not do anything when I next saw Ian at work" I nodded my head slowly, following. 

"Now, as you know, I've got a slight temper-" I snorted. 

"Short temper" I corrected, Amelia narrowing her eyes at me but shaking what I said off. 

"And-" She ignored me, continuing with her story, "When Ian came back to work today, I really tried to not do anything, just like you said. But then I saw him getting a bit cosy with a client and I acted out on impulse."

"So you punched him?" 

"I thought I already said that?" Amelia smiled, tilting her head to the side before turning back around when the kettle finished boiling. 

"And the limp?" I asked, Amelia turning a little sheepish as she sucked her lips into her mouth, clearly embarrassed by something. 

"I tripped and rolled my ankle a couple hours after punching Ian. I think it was karma" She replied, finishing up on the lattes and turning to hand me one with a smile. I took it from her waiting hands, mumbling a thank you, before following her out of the kitchen and into the lounge room, taking a seat on the couch in front of the single seater she was making a b-line for. 

"Now, why are you here?" Amelia asked, glancing me up and down in suspicion. I snorted. 

"Didn't realise I had to book in a time to visit my friend" I replied, Amelia lifting the cup to her mouth and taking a sip. 

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