Chapter Thirty One

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Since the first night Ffion and I spent together, our sessions at the office haven't been very productive in a sense of talking about her past and present. It's been light, fun and a bit risky, but we've completely forgotten the reason she's here in the first place. 

I let my admiration for her blind me from doing my job and today was the day I came back to my senses. I needed to know everything about her for my job, but I wanted to know everything about her because nothing could make me love her any less. 

"Someone looks chipper" I look up and away from my notebook filled with dot points and little summaries on each of my patients, and at the open door where Lara stands not even bothering to hide a smile. I glance at my reflection in the base of the lamp on my desk, my face blank, not a single emotion detectable. 

"No I don't" I reply. I really didn't look chipper whatsoever, my resting face was an almost annoyed looking frown. Lara rolls her eyes and takes a step into my office. 

"I mean recently, you've been looking more chipper" Lara corrects, going silent for a moment before her eyes light up and her smile spreads wide. "You're seeing someone, aren't you?"

"I'm busy, Lara."

"How long?" She ignores my displeasure at the idea of talking about my personal life. As much as I genuinely would love talking about my love life and the person that I can see a forever with, she was my patient. Ffion was my patient and until the day she wasn't our relationship had to be put on hold every time she stepped foot in this building. 

Anyone finding out about me and Ffion would be a big fucking problem. If my bosses found out I was having relations with a patient, I wouldn't just be fired, but I'd have my licence taken off me, a licence I spent 12 years of my life working towards. I couldn't throw that much work, those many hours and that many fucking migraines down the drain. I'd go insane. 

"You're fantasizing again, Lara" I murmur, looking back down at my notebook and reading over Ffion's section. I needed to open up apart of her I haven't seen yet. 

"No, but I am romanticizing. Come on, tell me" She begged. 


"Keaton, I sit behind a desk all day scheduling appointments. It's boring. Give me some excitement" I flick the page, only half listening to the older woman. 

"Do a sudoku."

"I can't. You already filled the whole book in" Lara replied making me accidentally crack a smile. Lana's smile hasn't faded in the slightest by the time I eventually glance back up at her. Until Ffion got here, Lara wasn't leaving. If I wanted her gone I'd have to physically push her out and lock the door, but Lara was a feisty, determined middle aged woman, she'd stop at nothing. 

"Yes-" Lara squeals before I've even fully got the word out, her small legs rushing her across my office until she's stood directly in front of me, her hands on my desk as she leans down to meet my eyes. 

"I knew it. Being in love looks good on you" Lara grins so wide I imagine if she pushed herself any further the corners of her mouth would split, making her smile literally ear to ear. 

"It feels good" I murmur, Lara placing her hand to her heart as she awes at my response. 

"My chest hurts. Keaton, tell me everything there is to know about your girlfriend-"

There's a soft knock at the door and I immediately tense when Lara steps back and Ffion comes into view. Her eyes linger on me a fraction longer before bouncing to Lara, where she offers her a smile. 

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